What’s in a Kiss?

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Yesterday I was getting my hair done, and as I sat visiting with my friend, my hair lady asks me, “What’s this week’s blog about Mel?”

And as I sat there, looking like I should tune in TV reception, my response was, “Kissing. I want to talk about kissing, what makes it sexy, different types… that sort of thing. And besides, how else is a girl supposed to follow up a blog post devoted to her Beaver?”

Her response, “That’s awesome! You should talk about that one guy, you know, the one who insists on attaching to your face like a vacuum? Why didn’t anyone ever tell him not to do that?”

Hmmm… good point. Does anyone ever tell anyone that they’re no good at kissing? Or are they like me and not say anything and then just never return his call?

Alright, well, I like to keep things positive, so let’s talk about what makes kisses sexy (guys, pay attention). Whether you’re the Kissee (the one being kissed) or the Kissor (the one who’s doing the kissing), certain things make kissing super sexy.

Touch:  What I notice most (besides the kiss), is touch. Whether your hands are on his arms, or his arms are around your back, or on your hips. Touch makes kisses fantastic. From talking with friends, lovers, boyfriends, ex’s, etc., (yes, my friends are used to me asking them seemingly inappropriate questions) I’ve found many people enjoy the same kind of touches. The favorite ways to be touched when being kissed are:

  • Touching her cheek or under her chin, pulling her lips to you.
  • Touching her hips and pulling them to you when you kiss her.
  • Touching the back of her neck and holding her while you kiss.

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Kiss 3

Location, location, locationWhere you place your kiss can be just as important as how you place your kiss.

  • Lips (the ones between your nose and your mouth – sheesh!) There are thousands of nerve endings in a person’s lips, and naturally a great place to kiss. Whether it’s a gentle kiss, an urgent kiss, or a sad good-bye kiss. Lips communicate more than words when they’re kissing.
  • The inside of a wrist. Super sensitive and super sweet. A kiss on the inside of a woman’s wrist is intimate but not over the top and full of expectation, allowing the woman to steer the situation the direction she chooses.
  • Back of the neck. The back of a woman’s neck is definitely a great location as well. When I’m kissed here I can feel warm tingles down my spine and across my hips – it’s fantastic!
  • The small of a woman’s back. You know that spot, where her back dips slightly before curving up again. It’s definitely a sexy place to kiss and be kissed.



  • Soulja Boy had it right in his song “Kiss Me Through the Phone.” Saying nice things, the right things to our lovers, when we’re apart is like kissing them through the phone.
  • We can mend wounds with our words. A well done apology is like kissing away the pain of a splinter from a child’s hand.
  • The right words are as sexy and seductive as the hand-under-the-jaw-pull-her-in-close-and-bite-your-lip-as-you-look-at-her-mouth kiss. For example: Ed Sheeran’s lyrics to “Tenerif Sea”

“Should this be the last thing I see. I want you to know it’s enough for me. ‘Cause all you are is all I’ll ever need. ”

So what’s  in a kiss? Anything and everything. A kiss is love. A kiss is Hope. There’s promise in a kiss. Sometimes sadness. A kiss can bring relief.  We kiss forgiveness to each other. And sometimes, sometimes an eternity can be lived in a kiss.


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