Top 5 Reasons Cooking Chili is Sexy

Sex. It’s the tie that binds, the wedge that divides, tilts the scales, persuades the masses, is everywhere, and sells. Sex is the undercurrent of life. Everyone, or most everyone, has it in some form, and if you haven’t guessed, it’s what my latest manuscript is about – sort of. I’m waiting for a publishing house to declare it “worthy” (doesn’t everyone want to be declared worthy?) and then I’ll post and promote the heck out of it.

Until then, my goal is to post about things that are or should be sexy, and the occasional random thought. Today’s post: Why Chili is Sexy.

5. Cooking is sexy. You know the saying, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?” Well, it’s true. Men love food, women love food. Everyone can appreciate the effort that a loved one (or a potential loved one) puts into creating something special just for us. Effort and appreciation go a long way when it comes to “sexy.”

4. A man who knows his way around the kitchen is sexy. Yep. A man in an apron, chopping and dicing his way through the sinews of a pepper or a slab of meat… Is it primal? Maybe. Historically men weren’t the cookers, they were the hunters. Maybe it’s the confidence that makes it sexy.

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2. Together is sexy. Have you ever cooked with your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other? If not, I’d highly recommend it. Working and getting messy in the kitchen is a kind of foreplay. Granted, certain foods are more sexy to cook than others (i.e. meatloaf and reenacting the pottery scene with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in the movie Ghost). Everyone knows what works for them and what doesn’t. So hey, if meatloaf isn’t your thing, maybe french toast is. Give it a try.

1. You can be inappropriate in front of your children and it’s ok. You can say things like “Wow, look how big I made it.” When talking about the amount of chili (ever tried to make a small pot of chili?) and your children will think you’re actually talking about the chili.

Life is really a matter of perspective. Take a moment and really look at and appreciate what’s around you. Sex. It’s what’s for dinner.

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