This Year Resolve to do This

New Years 6I’ve spent the last few days relaxing, reading, working on a jigsaw puzzle and reflecting on the last year. The good things, the great things, and the things I’d like to do better this coming year… and so this week’s blog post was born. Sure it’s a little cliché to do a New Year’s Resolution post on New Year’s Eve, but that’s where my mind and my heart are, so that’s what you get from me this week.

Originally Babylonians celebrated the New Year with a many-day festival in March, but by 46 BC Roman emperor Julius Caesar moved the first day of the year to January 1 to honor of the Roman god of beginnings – Janus.  And so, with the ending of one year cycling into the beginning of a new one (“Everything is round.” Right, Mark?) I wanted to share my resolutions with you.  My resolutions also happen to be my wishes for you:

Be fearless.  Believe in yourself. My son’s class was talking about mottos and he asked me what my motto was.  I paused for about 3 seconds and replied, “Leap, and the net will appear.” I’m not saying get out there and make foolish decisions, but have faith in yourself. You can do it.

Be kind (to others and to yourself). Enough of the judging and criticizing already. Stop the negative self-talk and the harsh judgment of others. For this next year make yourself your biggest cheerleader. Fill your thoughts with positivity and see what happens when you approach the world with kindness.

New Years

Be grateful. Appreciate what you have and say thank you – and not just for the material things. Friendship is one of the things I’m most grateful for. Oh sure, it comes in as many flavors as my friends, but that doesn’t make them less – it makes them different.

Be selfless. Although I believe there is no truly “selfless” act (doing nice things makes me feel good), this year do something nice for someone who can do nothing for you.

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Let go of that which does not serve you. Whether it’s hatred, intolerance, guilt, or holding a grudge. Re-examine your life and shed the baggage that is weighing you down. If it doesn’t serve you physically, emotionally, or spiritually, get rid of it. Release it and use the space for that which inspires you.

The year is made up of 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days – that’s 429 individual chances to better yourself and this world we live in. With all of this opportunity, why wait? Do it now. Small changes make big changes, so start small. Each day make the conscious choice to better yourself, then set a goal for the week, and each month set a larger goal… just imagine where you’ll be next year!

New Years 5

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!


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