Rain can mean sadness and tears, rain can be purifying or cleansing, rain can be what makes two people seek shelter – or one person can shelter another from the emotional “rain” that is drowning them, but today I want to talk about the top 5 things I love most about rain. Not a torrential rain, or a slight misting of water from the sky, but a nice steady rain.
- The smell of rain. I’m very much a smell-person and there’s something so invigorating about the way the world smells when it rains. It smells fresh and clean. As if Mother Nature has taken a deep breath and now the world can breathe again.
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- The peacefulness and softness of the world when it rains. I love the sound the rain makes when it’s falling steadily. My favorite is when there are no other sounds, as if I’m in a vacuum and the only thing I can hear is the soft pat-pat-pat as the rain falls and touches the trees and gardens around my house. I grew up in a rural area, and our house had a metal roof. I can’t count the times I went to sleep listening to the rain falling outside and the sound it made on the roof.
Dancing in the rain. There is something wonderfully sexy about someone who is so whimsical, lighthearted, and spontaneous that they’ll dance in the rain. You can control many things in your life, but you can’t control the weather.
- It’s comfortable. Whether you’re holed up in a warm house looking out, or outside with a loved one. There’s something so embracing about the rain. I love hot tubbing with my husband in the rain (or snow). I love the contradictory experience of being surrounded by warm swirly water when it’s cold and rainy. It’s comforting, romantic, and it makes me feel like I’ve found a little bit of paradise in a world that can be cruel. And besides, anyone can love you in the sunshine, but it takes someone special to love you with soaked hair and mascara that looks a little like Alice Cooper.
- Kisses in the rain. O-M-G… That’s right. It’s so amazing I’ve turned into a teenage girl and am talking in text-speak. There’s not much hotter than soaked shirts clinging to skin, water running in rivulets down the side of his face… The weather often influences our mood, and guess what happens when the intensity of a kiss matches the fierceness of the rain? Wowsa!
This week has been super rainy, and so I wanted to remind you that rain is romantic. An unknown author said, “Raindrops are quite possibly the bravest things God has created – they’re never afraid to fall.” Let that be a reminder to you this week. Get out there and breathe deeply, kiss passionately, dance in the rain, and don’t be afraid to fall.
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Nicely done my friend!