The Magnetism of Danger


So I asked my husband, “What should I write about this week?

Answer: “Something sexy.

So I asked myself, “Self, what should I write about this week?

Answer: “Witches.

Um, yeah. So how do I write about sexy witches? What makes witches sexy? Not the wart on the nose stringy haired, green skinned witches of Halloween, but the dangerously seductive, red lipped, temptresses of late-night movies.

Ah, that’s it!” I answer myself. It’s the danger. And so this week’s topic was born:

“The Magnetism of Danger”

Dangerous is sexy. Scary is sexy. Did you know that the body’s chemical response to being scared is almost exactly the same as being sexually aroused?  Think about it: adrenaline coursing through your veins causing the same physical reaction for both scenarios.

Scared:                                                    Aroused:

Increased heartrate                              Increased heartrate

Shallow breathing                                Shallow breathing

Goosebumps                                          Goosebumps

Erect nipples                                         Erect nipples

Tense muscles                                      Tense muscles

Now I’m not saying the best way to get a little action is by scaring the person you’d like to see more of (literally), but why women are drawn to a bad-boy, why sex in a public place is appealing, or the fascination of a good scary movie or haunted house. Let’s talk about that a bit:

Why we love a bad-boy:
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For me it’s the confidence. Someone who just plain doesn’t give a shit about what other people think, but has a heart of gold underneath that leather jacket. It’s danger, but safety at the same time. Having someone like that find me attractive means that I would be worthy. Not that I don’t consider myself “worthy,” just that I spend so much of my time riddled by insecurities and self-doubt that having someone so sure of himself be so sure of me is amazingly sexy.

And there’s that whole cave-man-good-provider thing. Back in the day, a man who was aggressive, strong, and brutal was likely to be a good hunter and protector, and what girl doesn’t appreciate that?

Sex in a public place:

Plain and simple: Risk v. Reward. The risk that you’ll get caught v. the reward that you won’t and will have highly charged, energetic (probably quick) sex and then return to the world being the only two people (maybe) who know what just happened. Although a story that we’ll likely never tell our children, it’s a tale as old as time.  Wearing skirts with no panties isn’t a new idea.

Scary movies or haunted houses:

I love scary movies. I’ve loved them since I was a young girl. I love a scary movie that makes my heart beat fast, makes me hold my breath, surprises me and makes me jump (But not in predictable places. If you can see them coming they’re not scary). I love the physical feeling of being scared but knowing that I’m safe. I love having a hand to hold through a haunted house or an arm to grab onto during a movie.

Sometimes the movie is scary because the girl is in danger of being completely consumed by her lover. Having someone so filled with desire for you that they are verging on losing all control and completely devouring you. – that’s sexy.

Danger brings an adrenaline rush that makes your heart race and brings the fight-or-flight response boiling to the surface.  Think about it this week: Do you like things that are dangerous, or things that are “dangerous?”  And what is it that draws you to them?

Feel free to leave me a comment. I promise it’s the safe-scary.




    1. Thank you Lucy H. Delaney! I’m a huge fan of your writing. I’ve got your first 2 books (“Waiting on Justin” and “Chasing Tatum”), and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next!

  1. This. I like this!

    Love your topics, Mel. All very relatable and awesome! Find myself looking forward to Wednesdays 🙂

    1. Thanks Becca! I appreciate your kind words. Find me on Facebook and let me know if you have a topic you’d like to discuss!

  2. Your topic has inspired me to think about what type of dangers get my blood pumping and how your comparisons apply to me.
    I enjoy, as a man, being that person who is the protector and the badass. When someone says “I can’t believe you just did that”, it inflates my confidence and self worth. (Hmmm…counter-balancing my everyday insecurities I suppose.)

    I also really enjoy being with someone who can meet me in that place of extreme. The badass partner who is up for anything would be amazing!

    I guess you struck a chord cause I could go on and on.
    Thank for giving me something to think about!

    1. I can totally see you being the bad-ass protector! Sounds like adrenaline is definitely your friend. 🙂
      I’m happy my writing has resonated with you. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration!

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