The Intoxication of Scent

Embrace 2

I was making myself a cup of tea and I smelled the little paper packet the tea bag comes in, when all of a sudden I remembered being in my college boyfriend’s dorm and studying on the floor while he studied at his desk. The smell of the tea reminded me of the tobacco he would smoke when he studied. The smell  triggered that memory and I thought to myself, “Aha!”

Scents are magic. Have you ever noticed how a particular smell can instantly transport you a different time and place? Smells can instantly conjure feelings of comfort, fear, or any number of emotions or impulses. I’ve even heard that the scent of freshly baked apple pie is supposed to help secure a sale during an open house – evoking a sense of “coming home.”

The sense of smell is powerful, and when coupled with touch (the embrace of a lover) the effect is magnified exponentially. I believe that when we are embraced by a friend or lover that we can get a truer sense of them.  Not the smell of their cologne, hair product, or deodorant, but the way they smell.  Everyone has a scent. Everyone has a unique body chemistry that belongs to only them. That’s why the same perfume smells different on different people. (Someday ask me about an “experiment” my husband tried at a bar while on a work trip where he asked girls if he could smell their perfume).

Is it the pheromones? Chemicals in our bodies that are unique to us and exist for the purpose of attracting a suitable mate. Probably that’s it, but what if it’s not? What if that’s just what gets us close to each other and what we smell is more than just chemicals? The human body runs on electrical impulses. So maybe when we’re that close we breathe in the energy it exudes and that’s what’s intoxicating.

Too far out for you? Stick with me for a sec… The human body runs on and is controlled by a network of nerves (wires), which run all throughout the body and carry electrical impulses. Our hearts keep beating and we keep breathing because the computer that is our brain sends electrical signals telling them to keep on keeping on. If the wires get crossed, short circuited, or damaged, the body doesn’t function properly.

And besides, is there anyone out there who hasn’t been rushed, frustrated, in a hurry, fighting a deadline, and tried to use a copier? Who’s to say that we don’t emit a certain “charge” that affects those around us?
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Maybe that charge is what we “smell.” Ladies, let’s talk about when wrapped in the arms of a lover, face nestled at the sharp angle of his jaw just under his chin. Any chaos that previously existed is instantly gone. Like magic. We can breathe them in, and that’s what intoxicates us.

Guys, tell me about the scent of a woman when you’re holding her and you smell her hair at the base of her neck. Doesn’t it just drive you crazy! And the act of a man breathing in a girl is amazingly erotic. Which begs to question: is it the taking of the scent or the giving of it that is exciting? I think both.

I wrote about this in my (hopefully soon-to-be-published) novel:

“His arm around me as we dance with our bodies pressed together. He holds my hand against his chest as my other arm wraps around his shoulder, holding him close to me.  That’s how we dance: swaying slightly, feet offset, and barely moving. He raises his hand and slowly brushes my hair behind my ear and then back from my shoulder, letting his fingertips gently caress my back and arm on their way back to hold my hand. I feel his chest swell as he brings his head down to my neck, quietly breathing in my perfume.”

Hot right? Not just the touch, being held in a lover’s embrace, but feeling protected from the world having him breathe you in. Letting him breathe you in – wanting it. Feeling desired and giving, surrendering, a part of yourself. It’s heady. Lightens my head and weakens my knees more than any wine or distilled spirit.

For me it’s definitely the exchange that’s intoxicating. What is it for you? The power? The control? The surrender?


One comment

  1. Catching up on your blog posts while I wait for a flight to No. CA. This is soooooo true! I am such a scent girl. The guy I had a mad crush on in junior high (he was older… A pastor’s son no less… Could be a good story in there!) wore a distinctive cologne, though I never knew what it was. There are still times I walk past a department store counter and catch a whiff and I’m instantly back there. It is powerful indeed!

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