Does sex help you get over a cold faster? I woke up with a cold this morning and thought about my earlier post about the Magic of Chicken Soup, but my husband wanted a sexier post today and that got me to thinking. Sex has all sorts of health benefits, but that’s a bit racy for my blog. So what about snuggling? Snuggling is sexy AND there’s bound to be some health benefits as well. I did a quick internet search (hey, it wouldn’t be on the internet if it wasn’t true, right?) and here’s what I found…
First the big one: snuggling releases Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the “feel good” hormone and has a marvelous number of effects on our bodies. It reduces our stress levels, decreases anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and reduces our risk of heart disease. Wow! Sounds like the super hormone of health benefits.
Oxytocin deepens women’s relationships. It has a biological role in the mother-baby bonding of new mothers, and it relaxes the mother so breastfeeding (which also has a role in bonding) is easier. That carries on to our other relationships. If you’re more relaxed then you’re more open to honest communication, which strengthens your relationships.
The sensation of touch signals your body to release serotonin and dopamine. Translation: touch makes you feel good. And when you throw in some skin-to-skin contact your body slows the production of cortisol – the bad stress hormone. Cortisol has been shown to interrupt sleep and cause weight gain. So, correct me if I’m wrong, it sounds like snuggling will also help me look better and shed unwanted pounds.
And finally, all those good hormones have been shown to boost your immune system. That’s what I need! I’d much rather cuddle with my lover than take a bunch of Vitamin C.
Amazing, right? And all this without popping a pill.
Now you know snuggling is definitely beneficial to your health, so the only thing left is how, exactly, to be a sexy snuggler. I love to snuggle. I’m definitely a hugger-to-greet-friends and a girl who needs physical contact. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite snuggling positions:
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Spooning: Like when you nest spoons in your silverware drawer, except on your side. This position is one of my favorites because it feels like you fit perfectly together.
Lying on his chest: Lying with your head on your lover’s chest with your bodies next to each other is terrifically sexy and a great way to snuggle. You can relax and talk about… things, and if you throw in a little caress of the arm and some shirtless-chest-skin-to-skin contact. Whew! Almost too spicy for this post!
Intertwining legs: This snuggling position is great because it’s not only super sexy and intimate, but it leaves your bodies and arms free to do whatever they want. You can intertwine legs while spooning, while lying on his chest, or even just sitting on the couch watching a movie and sipping wine or holding hands.
What do you think? Are those your favorites too? Do you have other favorite snuggling positions?
I think I know what I need to do today. I’ll get a little more writing done, make some chicken soup, and go snuggle. And to you, my reader, I warn you that it is cold and flu season. It really would only be prudent if we all just snuggled a little more and boosted our immune systems.
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