Yesterday I went for an impromptu hike with a couple of friends, and by “with” a couple of friends I mean one friend hiked with me and the other one (an uber athlete) ran the trails while we hiked. It was beautiful. The lupine and balsam root were blooming and we hiked up along the outside of Dry Gulch. Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with Dry Gulch, there are some seriously “up” parts to the trail we were on (at one part of the hill I was pretty sure I would need a ladder to keep climbing). My calves were tight, my quads were burning, and my gluts were talking to me. That got me to thinking – it was a booty call, but a different kind than the typically referenced “Booty Call.” And so today’s blog post was born.
The Urban Dictionary defines a booty call as: “When someone of the opposite sex calls you up to ‘hang out over at your/their place’ – which in code means come over and have casual sex. It usually happens infrequently, without warning and normally occurs in the late night hours, resulting in hours of intense sex.”
The booty call has been around for ages, but new generations are always coming up with new ways to say it in “code.” Recently I found out that “Watch Netflix and chill” meant a booty call. That’s right, I’m so old and out of touch that I thought “watch Netflix and chill” actually meant to come over and watch something on Netflix, hang out, and visit. (Stop laughing…)
Different than one-night stands, or a “hookup,” a booty call is a casual sexual relationship between people who know and like each other (similar to “friends with benefits” where you have sex but remain only friends). This allows for a deeper emotional connection, and even a trial run at a long-term relationship, but without all the baggage of romance and relationship. Sounds great, right? Not always. There are dangers to the booty call:
You/he/or both of you could fall in love. It’s easy to fall in love with someone you’re sleeping with, especially if that someone is a friend. Friendships are valuable, and often last longer than relationships. If you do develop feelings for each other then the friendship is lost to the new relationship. If the relationship fails you’ve lost not only a boyfriend/girlfriend, but also a trusted friend who knows you better than 99% of the people in the world.
You/he get bored with each other. “Yeah, the sex was great… until it wasn’t.”
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Sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy. If you’re not in a committed relationship and are having casual sex, and your friend is having casual sex, safe and protected sex becomes of the utmost priority. Condoms and birth control are readily available in today’s society. You definitely don’t want a casual sexual encounter to turn into a trip to the doctor for some antibiotics (or worse), or to find out that your night of fun has turned into an 18 year commitment with your friend.
It’s not all doom and gloom though. A booty call can give you the experience of sex with different people, allow you to experiment and find out what you like and don’t like, experience dating different personality types, and to really find out what you want out of a relationship.
Whether the reward is worth the risk is up to you.
I had an amazing time yesterday. We don’t often go hiking together, me and this group of friends, but when we do it’s always a great time. My uber athlete friend has taken me and our other friend to places we’d never seen, and places I’d never go on my own (I get vertigo when on a tall edge and have had to “koala bear” with him to get across some parts). Like a typical booty call it’s always with friends, always energetic, and always a workout. But when I push my gluts to perform on a hillside trail it’s a booty call of another kind. Our connection to each other deepens, our trust in each other grows, and the intimacy of being alone in the wilderness strengthens our friendship – this is the booty call I prefer. I am truly thankful for both of them, for the friendship and trust they offer, and for this spiritually strengthening booty call.
My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). Feel free to follow me on Pinterest (Melissa Gale) or Facebook. I love feedback, and invite you to comment or e-mail me with your thoughts. Signing up to follow me is the best way to make sure you don’t miss a post!