Shhh… It’s a Secret

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With my mind preoccupied today by things that are hidden and unseen, it seemed like a natural choice to write about secrets.  “What do you want to say about secrets?” you ask. Well, I want to say they can be harmful, sometimes they’re necessary, and sometimes people use them like currency.

“ For just 3 easy payments I will tell you the secret to being successful/sexy/thin/happy/healthy/(insert the object of your desire)…”

My friend and I joke about “liar eyes” we see on others when they’re not telling the truth (keeping a secret). Secrets are kept in the soul – that’s why they can be seen in the eyes. Some secrets are harmless, but some will devour everything good until all that’s left is ugly.

Some secrets we don’t talk about but show by our actions. What are you afraid of losing? Take a look at what you take the most pictures of.

Secrets can be sexy. Well, mysteriousness is sexy anyway, and that’s kind of a secret. The attraction of what is unknown, what is unsaid, that push-pull conflict in the eyes. It’s the tension it creates. It compels people to find out.

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What about secret wishes. Are they like a magic spell? Are they to be kept or to be shared? When I was a little girl I thought if I shared a wish it wouldn’t come true. Now my beliefs are a little more toward the Law of Attraction. If you think about it, dwell on it, wish for it – you’ll draw it to you: If you expect difficulty and a crappy experience that’s what you’ll have; If you focus on goodness and positivity – that’s what you’ll draw to you.

So, that being said, and with my blog tending to stray to the side of sexy, I am choosing to draw more positive and sexy people to me. How am I going to do that you ask? I’m going to share the 5 Secrets to Being Sexy with you so that you, my reader, will focus on that and become a fabulously positive and sexy person – thereby creating more positive and sexy in the world.

5.  Be playful. Fun is sexy. Enjoy life. Laugh. I love a guy who is playful can make me laugh.
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4.  Be aware of the 5 senses. Smell good – hygiene is important;

Look good – be mindful of the clothes you wear. As Sam Cooke sings, “You’ve got to accentuate the positive…”;

Sound good – don’t put others down, including yourself;

Feel good – from soft touchable fabric to soft healthy skin; and

Taste good – from enjoying the food you put in your mouth to that other sexy taste that is a bit too racy for this blog.

3.  Be smart. You don’t need to be a super intellectual, but having an interest in something and knowing something about it is a good thing. Smartness is sexy.

2.  Be genuine. Be comfortable being who you are. We all have bad days, we all have parts of our personality that we’d like to hide, but there is something amazingly sexy about someone who is confident enough to be vulnerable, to show that he is complex and flawed and beautiful.

1.  And the #1 way to be sexy… well, really it’s a sum up of all the points listed above: you have to be yourself – warts and all.


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