September. The time of year when the world transitions from light and abundance to sleep and regeneration. Perfect for a card of transformation, and so this month’s card had to be, Death. Probably the most feared and most misunderstood card of the Tarot. It doesn’t symbolize literal death, that’s only in the movies, but material loss and the clearing away of things that do not serve you. The transformation necessary to make room for the things that do.

In the Rider Waite version of the Tarot, the card shows Death astride a white horse. White is the color of purity, and death is the ultimate purifier. All of humanity is shown – man, woman, and child. Death does not discriminate; he touches all of us. His armor is symbolic of his invincibility – no one has beaten death. Even the sun is seen to be “dying” in the background (between the same towers as in the Moon card – more on that in another post). A card of transformation, the sun will be reborn again fresh and new in the morning. Radiant Rider Waite shown here.
The Death card is a card of major transformation. It symbolizes the end of a major phase of your life and reassures that a new phase is just beginning. It tells you it is time to put the past behind you and be ready to embrace new opportunities. Sometimes we have trouble letting go of the past but, like Death, this is not a choice we get to make. If we refuse to embrace the change, and seek out the positive in it, the transformation can be less than pleasant. Sometimes, for us to learn this lesson, we need to experience the pain to complete the transformation.
Years ago, when I was teaching a self-defense class I would remind my students,
“There are many levels of cooperation. Not all of them voluntary.”
The Death card embodies this sentiment.
This card also indicates it’s time to let go of unhealthy bonds and relationships, so you can make room for relationships that feed your soul. It’s time to let go of old baggage so there’s room for The Universe to bring you what you need.
That rings true in my house this weekend. Daughter-In-Law wanted to have a yard sale at our house (more drive by traffic), and so The Best Husband and I decided we’d add some of our “treasures” to the pile. Well needless to say, it was a long weekend, but we managed to let go of many items that were no longer serving us. We did find some new items too, of course, but we were able to send many things back out into circulation where they will be fully utilized. I hope. At least they’re not in my garage anymore.
It surprised me how many things I’ve held onto for years that seemed significant and important enough to keep, but now, decades later, they’ve lost their hold on me and I was able to let them go. For example: Years ago I bought a large, glossy dark wood kitchen table, with a leaf, for my growing family. It was probably my first really large furniture purchase, and it’s moved with me over the years. I don’t remember the last time we sat at it as a family, but I do know it’s been in my garage for a long time and I’ve been unable to let it go. Now, while I appreciate the significance it holds, I no longer feel like I need to keep it. It’s time to let it go.
Tough love time. Time to deal with what’s preventing the change, so you are free to start your new journey unencumbered. This could be “stuff,” toxic relationships, a stagnant and unfulfilling career, anything – the card is not specific to where the change is needed. It’s up to you to reflect and evaluate your own life.
So, my readers, in this time of transformation, I encourage you reflect on what’s no longer serving you. Are you resisting necessary changes? Are you stuck and unable to take the steps to make the changes? Are you still holding onto a past wrong, or some other baggage that is taking up valuable energy? This card is a reminder that it’s time to reassess the changes you need to make. Change is scary (so is the Death card) but be reassured with the knowledge that not making necessary changes is not a choice you get to make. The change will happen, and it’s up to you choose your level of cooperation.
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