Pet Peeves

pet-peeves-2The New Girl started on Monday. In this Week One of training, I’ve been extra conscious about office irritations, courtesies, etc.  It’s a really small office and we basically sit next to or on top of each other. This got me to thinking about things that annoy me or are just general pet peeves.  Apparently I have a lot, my blog post started getting out of control, so I limited myself to just my top seven. (What? Anyone can do a Top 10…)

1.  People who drive with their blinker on. Maybe this one is actually useful.  It’s like a bright flashing sign saying “I’m an inattentive driver! Watch out for me!” I should clue my older kids in on this one so they can be on the look-out.

2.  People who slow down to go through an intersection.  Yes, another driving one.  On the highway between my home and my work the speed limit is 60 mph… even in the middle of the intersection. If the light is green and you’ve a clear road ahead please feel free to go the speed limit the entire time.  Wait, maybe I should consider that a warning as well.

3. Mispronounced words: “Lie-berry” “Tempachure” “Brito” “Warshington.”  Seriously. If you have a speech impediment I get it.  My youngest son battles the “er” sound like no other sound known to man. Everyone else should say the words correctly.

Me: “Aidan, would you please get the Parmesan (Parm-ah-san) cheese out of the fridge?

Aidan: “Is that next to the Parmesan (Parm-a-shon) cheese .

(Yes, he has his mother’s sense of humor)

Me: “How do you spell that?”


4. Incorrectly used words.  Ok, I get it.  Words are my friends and I’ve pulled the I’m-a-writer-I-can-make-up-words card. That’s because I am a writer, and my words are actually words that mean what they’re supposed to and not an abomination of a perfectly good word used incorrectly. (For example: if I were to say it was “blizzarding” outside you would know exactly what the weather was like).

  • “Irregardless.” Not a word.  “Regardless” is a word. “Irregardless” – if it had a meaning, would be the negative of “regardless” which would actually mean “regarding.”
  •  “I could care less.” This means that you do care. If you didn’t care then you couldn’t care less (because you would have no care in you to start with – get it?).

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5.  Cell phones at the table. If I am not worthy of your attention and conversation then we should not be having lunch/dinner/drinks.

6.  Fruit flies in my wine. For real.  The little buggers are tricky and will find their way into my wine glass, drown, and make my wine smell and taste bad.  I have to wonder if it’s like the lemmings and they’re seeking certain death. They’re certainly motivated.

7. Mean people.  Last but not least, mean people are my biggest pet peeve.  My daughter-in-law recently posted a video on Facebook that was a lesson about a little boy who kept losing his temper. His dad had him pound a nail into a log every time he lost his temper. Eventually he learned to control his temper, and every time he kept his temper he got to take a nail out of the wood. Soon all the nails were out and the little boy was quite pleased with himself. Then his father asked him to look at the wood, to look at all the damage, the holes that were still there even though the nails were not.  That was a lesson I shared with my youngest son. This is what happens when we lose our temper and say mean things.  It hurts and leaves a mark, even though we may say “sorry,” it doesn’t make the “holes” go away.

My thoughts to you this week? Having pet peeves is ok – it makes you human, but there’s no need to be a jerk about things that irritate us. Usually it’s just a matter of being like Elsa in Frozen and letting it go, but if it’s a bigger issue then deal with it like an adult.  Have a conversation, speak with kindness, and try to resolve it.


Tell me about your pet peeves. What drives you nuts? Bad drivers? (I’m a firm believer that I’m the only good driver out there: anyone faster than me is a maniac and anyone slower than me is an idiot). When someone texts you, you answer them, and then they don’t respond for hours? What just makes you shake your head?

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

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