Last week I touched on perspective. This week I was reminded that life is all about how we perceive it. I’ve touched on this before, and feel it’s worth talking about again:
I live in a fairly rural area. My house sits on about 3/4 of an acre, and about 1/2 of that is an orchard that sits below the house. We maintain the grass (and by “grass” I really mean “dandelions”) and keep it mowed to lawn length so that we can use it for the kids and dogs to play in.
One summer day I was standing on my deck over looking the orchard below, getting ready to mow it. It was hot and sticky outside and as I looked down over the sea of dandelions, already blown into white tufts of feather-like seeds waiting for a breeze or an unsuspecting mower to send them flying up into freedom, I was silently cursing them. I could already feel them flying up in my face, getting sucked up my nose, and sticking to my hair and skin.
My youngest son, who was about 3 at the time, came over to me and climbed up on the seat next to me (which he’s been told 1,000,001 times NOT to do) and looked down at the same field of weeds. His eyes grew huge and he patted me excitedly on the arm with one tiny little-kid hand, pointed down at the dandelions with the other and said:
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“Mom!!! Mom!!! Just look at all those WISHES!!!”
Boy did that set me back on my heels a bit.
I don’t consider myself a negative person, but where I saw a field of weeds he saw a field of potential. Sometimes it takes those who have a different perspective to reset our own perception of things.
This week my goal is to see the world not as a sea of weeds, but a wealth of potential. I invite you to do the same.