The Desirablity of Ferocity

Fierce 2This week the “sparkly bit” that has captured my attention is ferocity (or fierceness or ferociousness… whichever word is your favorite). It came up several times and, most recently, last night at yoga when my yoga instructor was talking about how fierce yoginis were. That cinched it – Ferocity it is!

I ran a search on Pinterest for “fierce” and there was the usual amount of inspiring quotes about “sticking with it” and “Though she be little…” and I also noticed a large amount of lion and wolf pictures. What is it about a lion that makes you think of ferocity and why does thinking about someone being fierce make us tingle with excitement? Is it the mane? That wild shock of hair surrounding their face and framing a powerful mouth full of teeth designed to tear flesh? Yeah, that could be it. Let’s look into the face of ferocity a bit more:

Hair: Symbolically speaking hair generally represents emotions: the wilder the hair – the wilder the emotions. A lion’s mane is huge, wild, and untamed. It stands to reason that the fierceness of their manes would represent the fierceness of their emotions.  Isn’t that what everyone wants? Someone who feels so fiercely for them that they can barely contain their emotions.

Fierce 7Teeth: Both lions and wolves have large mouths full of sharp teeth. Bared teeth are a reminder that you’re vulnerable and those powerful jaws can tear open your throat. The authority and conviction in bared teeth is as exciting as being with someone who’s dangerous.  Remember how sexy danger is? (In case you forgot or need a refresher) Bared teeth cue our danger response.

Hunger: Hunger literally is desire, the desire to consume. Lions are hungry carnivores endlessly seeking to consume their prey. Everyone wants to have their someone crave them so fiercely they’re in danger of being devoured, or has been so hungry for another that they run the risk of being engulfed with such powerful emotions.

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Fierce 1

So what is it I want to say to you this week? I try to write about uplifting, sexy, and inspiring things (and the occasional random thought), and this week I was struck by the ferocity of love. Ferocity is desirable, and love is fierce. It is ferocious because it is everything we just discussed. Love is hungry, love is aggressive, love can consume you and rip you apart. But, thankfully, love is also compassionate. It is strong, silent, and unwavering. And when you’ve been held captive and torn apart by love, it may just be the one thing that can save you.

Fierce 5

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s quick, easy, and you won’t miss a post!

This Year Resolve to do This

New Years 6I’ve spent the last few days relaxing, reading, working on a jigsaw puzzle and reflecting on the last year. The good things, the great things, and the things I’d like to do better this coming year… and so this week’s blog post was born. Sure it’s a little cliché to do a New Year’s Resolution post on New Year’s Eve, but that’s where my mind and my heart are, so that’s what you get from me this week.

Originally Babylonians celebrated the New Year with a many-day festival in March, but by 46 BC Roman emperor Julius Caesar moved the first day of the year to January 1 to honor of the Roman god of beginnings – Janus.  And so, with the ending of one year cycling into the beginning of a new one (“Everything is round.” Right, Mark?) I wanted to share my resolutions with you.  My resolutions also happen to be my wishes for you:

Be fearless.  Believe in yourself. My son’s class was talking about mottos and he asked me what my motto was.  I paused for about 3 seconds and replied, “Leap, and the net will appear.” I’m not saying get out there and make foolish decisions, but have faith in yourself. You can do it.

Be kind (to others and to yourself). Enough of the judging and criticizing already. Stop the negative self-talk and the harsh judgment of others. For this next year make yourself your biggest cheerleader. Fill your thoughts with positivity and see what happens when you approach the world with kindness.

New Years

Be grateful. Appreciate what you have and say thank you – and not just for the material things. Friendship is one of the things I’m most grateful for. Oh sure, it comes in as many flavors as my friends, but that doesn’t make them less – it makes them different.

Be selfless. Although I believe there is no truly “selfless” act (doing nice things makes me feel good), this year do something nice for someone who can do nothing for you.

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Let go of that which does not serve you. Whether it’s hatred, intolerance, guilt, or holding a grudge. Re-examine your life and shed the baggage that is weighing you down. If it doesn’t serve you physically, emotionally, or spiritually, get rid of it. Release it and use the space for that which inspires you.

The year is made up of 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days – that’s 429 individual chances to better yourself and this world we live in. With all of this opportunity, why wait? Do it now. Small changes make big changes, so start small. Each day make the conscious choice to better yourself, then set a goal for the week, and each month set a larger goal… just imagine where you’ll be next year!

New Years 5

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!


Abundance and Intuition

Intuition 4I’ve been working on keeping a grateful mindset, focusing my energy on acknowledging the wonderful things I have in my life. I have great friends, a loving family, a beautiful house that’s warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but yet, I feel like there’s more out there. I feel like just hidden under some bushes, or just around the corner, or just out of sight – like it’s there but doesn’t quite occupy the space yet – is more just waiting for me to believe it into existence.

Crazy, right? Well, that’s today’s blog post. No, not my psychosis, but how your intuition can bring abundance into your life.

Gratitude is the first step. Seeing what you have, acknowledging it and opening your heart and feeling grateful that you have it. Once you acknowledge the wonderful things in your life you are creating a path for more great things to arrive.

The next step: Ask. If you don’t ask the answer is always “no.” Do you want to know “Is this job right for me?” “Does he/she really love me?” “How can I make more money?” whatever it is you want to know, ask that. And another great thing about your intuition – it’s always RIGHT THERE. You can access it anytime, 24/7.

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Then, listen.  Intuition is generally a quiet voice. It can be hard to hear if your mind is busy with other things. You must be in a relaxed state to listen.  That’s why problems are solved when our minds are relaxed – like on a long run, in the shower, listening to the rain… Think about the last time you had a great idea. Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind and allow your intuition to be heard and wait for the answer to come.  The ideas always come to us, we don’t go to them. In the words of William Kenower, “… we are all tuning and tuning the frequency of our interest, and as we do we come to understand that strange paradox, that we must grow increasing still to receive the information needed to move us forward.”

Follow your intuition. The best way to close off your intuition is to never follow it.  Ever been in a situation where you kept asking for something and the answer was always “no?” Did you keep asking or did you finally just quit asking? Right, me too.  So, after you have the answer to your question – do that. You can start small, such as just asking about whether or not you should park in that spot (or does it look a little tight?), or maybe you feel like you should take a different route to work today. You can practice following your intuition on everyday situations, it’s doesn’t always have to be a life-changing, do-or-die decision.
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Much like a psychic medium, as a writer I ask questions and then listen. Sometimes the answer is quick, other times it takes a while for me to hear the answer. I don’t always like what my intuition is saying, but it’s always got an answer.

So how does that bring abundance into your life? Simple: Your intuition is a connection to your subconscious  – an unmatched source of wisdom and creative energy.

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” ~Buddha

So this week, my readers, I encourage you to join me in bringing abundance into your lives by listening to your intuition.  Shhhh… did you hear that?

Intuition 8

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!