For forty hours a week I work in a law office. Yesterday we were meeting about some clients and the discussion turned to fantasy fiction (don’t ask me why), and how some people love The Lord of The Rings trilogy and The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, but not Harry Potter. This got me thinking about what is so different about these stories that would preclude J.K. Rowling from the literary giants like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
The Lord of the Rings has wizards that cast spells and creatures not found in the real world. Harry Potter has wizards that cast spells and creatures not found in the real world. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe is rooted in the real world but allows the main characters to travel to a magical place through an armoire. Harry Potter is rooted in the real world but allows the main characters to travel to a magical place through a train station.
Is it the fact that Rowling hasn’t yet achieved the lifetime greatness of Lewis and Tolkien? Is it because she’s not a former-Atheist-converted-to-Christianity? I don’t have the answer. I love pretty much anything fiction: from fantasy (If you can imagine it, it can become true), sci-fi (Different worlds? Races of creatures? Bring it on!), romance (Who doesn’t love a happy ending?), or dystopia (Yeah, the world’s bad but it’s not real so it’s ok). I have my favorite authors, so maybe it’s as simple as that.
Regardless, I didn’t come here to discuss or debate different types of fantasy fiction and why some people don’t like Harry Potter magic but they like Gandalf The Grey magic, today I wanted to talk about the magic that’s around us every day.
Let’s start with the obvious: Herbal medicine. From witches, to shamans to Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, people have long regarded those who can heal (or harm) with herbs as magical. There’s a ton of information on the ‘net about herbal uses, teas and tinctures, and aromatherapy. And what about Western medicine? We have machines that can see inside us without hurting us. If you ask me medicine (Eastern or Western), the ability to heal, is magic.
Coincidence. Have you ever been thinking about someone you haven’t seen in a long time, called them and they were going through something? Seen a billboard or sign that feels like it’s just for you? Heard a song on the radio at just the right time? Last week when I was in Seattle, The Best Husband and I were sitting in a restaurant having a quick margarita before going to a funeral service. There we were, filling out sympathy cards, and “Goodbye to You” comes on the radio. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a pop song by the Scandals released in 1982 (check it out here). Did I mention we were in a Mexican restaurant? Coincidence? I don’t believe in it. Life is full of those magical little nudges if we just pay attention.
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Chemistry. Whether it’s chemistry you have with someone you just met, or someone who is so charismatic they just seem to sparkle. The connection we can have with other people is definitely magical.
Making wishes. Isn’t making a wish essentially casting a spell? Aren’t you sending out into The Universe your desire in an effort to communicate with a higher power and draw the object you desire to you? People stop at wishing wells to offer a coin in exchange for a chance that their wish will come true. I believe making wishes is magic. Hope is magic.
So this week, my reader, I encourage you to pay attention to the magic that surrounds you: the nudges of The Universe, the coincidences that aren’t, and the wishes and hopes that bring you what you desire. Be present, be attentive, and just see what happens.
My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!