The Life of Breath


Breath is magical. When I’m not working, my mind has been returning to darkly ethereal things (if that’s possible) and this week “breath” kept coming up as well. Breath is important. Besides the obvious, breath is powerful and diverse.

Pranayama. In yoga people practice pranayama, or “The Breath of Life” This yoga technique is the formal practice of controlling breath, or prana, which is our vital life force.  In fact, “pranayama” literally means “to extend vital life force.” There are several different techniques of pranayama, each one with a specific result. Whether to reinforce the parasympathetic system (relax, reduce heart rate, etc.), release fear, or bring energy (breath of fire), breathing in a certain way can do it.  That’s pretty powerful.

It is life giving. CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) is when you to breathe life back into a body where life has recently left. Drowning victims, heart attacks, smoke inhalation from a fire… you name it, breathing into another if they’ve stopped breathing can bring them back and save their lives.

“Just breathe.” When we’re anxious we tend to hold our breath. Being aware of our breath can be very calming and restorative.


An old wives tale is that you shouldn’t let cat near your newborn baby because the cat will steal their breath.  Cats have a long history of being portrayed as evil-doers, or familiars for witches. Back in the 1700’s when a baby was found dead and a cat was nearby the feline would get the blame.  More likely: SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) or the simple fact of cats like to be “on” something (like my laptop while I’m trying to write) and babies smell like milk.

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Breath changes meaning when it’s whispered. For example, consider these two scenarios:

  1. Evan stands before Carmen. He reaches out and takes her by the shoulders. Tilting his head to the side he asks, “What took you so long?”
  2. Evan holds Carmen by her shoulders and pulls her against him, their bodies so close she can feel his intent. Leaning down he breathes into her, “What took you so long?”

See? Totally different.  Now granted the body language was different, but if you substitute “whisper,” “says,” or “asks” the whole tone changes.


This week, my reader, I encourage you to be aware of your breath. Breathe in the power, breathe easy, and breathe with intent. I’m going to whisper into my children’s ears when they sleep and see what magic I can work.  Let me know if you’ve ever tried it!

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

The Best Kisses

kissing-1Thank heavens it’s over! Yes, the election. My next invention will be a button you can push, or a lever you can flip, so that once you have voted you no longer have to listen to or watch political commercials. Watching political commercials once you’ve voted is like that Little White Dog across the street who is going at it on the Girl Dog’s shoulder – doesn’t do anything but cause irritation.

With so much of the world in chaos and so much hatred in social media these days, I wanted to bring a little love back. When I think about love the first thing I think about is kissing. I wrote a blog about kissing a little over a year ago (You can check it out here), but “kissing” is so great, and vast, that I thought it deserved more exploration.

Kissing is actually really good for us.  There are amazing health benefits to kissing:

  1. Kissing lowers stress. It decreases cortisol (the “stress” hormone), and increases serotonin (the “wellbeing” hormone) levels. Not only are we less stressed, but our sense of goodness and wellbeing is increased.
  2. Kissing gives us better health. It boosts our immune system and releases antibodies that kill bacteria, not to mention increased saliva flow is great for your teeth. Better health and fewer cavities? Yes please!
  3. Kissing calms us and increases happiness. It releases oxytocin and endorphins. Oxytocin is the “love” hormone and calms us down, and endorphins are famous for the good feelings they provide. I love that feeling when my lover is so happy smiles he through the kiss.

Less stress and more happiness… I could probably stop talking right there and you wouldn’t need any more reasons to go out and kiss your lover, but stopping talking really isn’t like me – so let’s go on.

Now you know why you should kiss, so how to kiss is your next question, right? I’m sure many of you have a “technique” that you’ve learned over the years, or maybe someone actually showed you how, but if you haven’t – I’ve scoured the web and here are some tips I totally agree with:

  1. Smell good. I am definitely a “smell” person. I love it when my lover smells good. It doesn’t have to be cologne, or a certain scent, clean smells are great too. Oh, and make sure your breath smells good too. No one wants to know you had a Reuben for lunch or you just finished your smoke break.
  2. Get close. Seems obvious, but if you want to kiss someone, well, you need to be in their personal space. Don’t linger on the outside, step up close enough so they can smell you. (Tip: please refer to #1)
  3. Be gentle – at least at first. Don’t jam your tongue down your lover’s throat. Remember you’re kissing, not implanting an alien.
  4. Breathe – and let your lover breathe. Be mindful of your breath and your lover’s ability to breathe. Kissing is great, but even better if you’re not being smothered.
  5. “Listen” to your lover. Not just with your ears, but be mindful of your lover’s tempo. Being enthusiastic and assertive can be a good thing, but if you’re oblivious to her pace that enthusiastic kiss may be your one and only.

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Now you know the why and the how, so let’s get to the good part: the where.

Lip kisses are just the beginning. Kissing on the lips is great, but the possibilities of great kisses are endless. My favorite PG-13 locations:

  1. On the neck/back of the neck (Tip: just say “no” to the hickie)
  2. The hollow of the collar bone
  3. Inside of the wrist

Oh the possibilities!

Kissing is good for you.  It’s good for your health, good for your relationship, and good for your lover.

The best kisses? Taking into consideration everything above, for me the best kisses are the ones that are genuine – when I’m kissed with intent. Whether the intent is to arouse, to share love, or to comfort, a genuine kiss is absolutely the best.

The election is finally over, and whether you’re for or against the new POTUS, let’s make the world we live in a good one. Live with love in your heart, kindness in your words, and compassion in your soul. Oh, and be sure to kiss better and more often.


My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Even Flying is Sexy

flying-1That’s right. She-Who-Is-Afraid-To-Fly can even find sexiness in flying.

As you probably know, I’m vacationing in New Orleans this week. Turns out the fastest way to get there is flying. Oh sure, a road trip would be nice, but I only have so much time for vacation, and driving from Washington to Louisiana would pretty much take all of it. So… flying it is.

I hate flying. I hate airports, planes, and people breathing my air. This week The Best Husband Ever challenged me to see if I could write a sexy post about it.  I’m not one to back down from a challenge, so this week’s inspiration found me in the form of a challenge.

I can find sexy in just about anything, and although this was a little tougher for me, a little vodka drink helped me relax and look around and observe what was going on around me and I found 3 things that were sexy.

  1. Courtesy. In an airport or on the plane it surprised me how much more courteous people were to each other. In a grocery store, for example, people are grabby and pushy and cut in line. Not so in the airport. I saw people who were kind and assisted a mom with a toddler who dropped something, guys who help others lift their bags into the storage compartments, and no one cut in line.  People were kind, gracious, and everyone seemed to be accepting of everyone else.  I wonder if everyone could see how much sexier it is to be kind then they’d try a little harder – everyone wants to be a little sexier, right?
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  1. tribe-1Proximity. Normally I fly Alaska, but this time I was on a United plane. Maybe it’s just me but the seats seem a little tighter and you can pretty much forget “personal space.” Now, I don’t have a problem with being close to others, even strangers, and that was definitely a good thing for this flight. That being said, being close to others is sexy. Touch is sexy, and being near another human being (especially one who is kind) is definitely attractive.
  1. Common Interest. This one is kind of like courtesy, but a little different. We’re all going to get on a plane and sit very close to each other – that puts us all in the same boat (or plane… get it?) and we instantly have something in common.  Not only that, but while we were in the airport I saw a herd of the 12th man. As luck would have it, one of the 12th herd had the seat between The Best Husband and I.  I’m sure he knew how sexy courtesy is and agreed to switch seats with me so I could sit next to my husband. He and his friends were going to New Orleans to the ‘Hawks game too. He was easy to talk to and we chatted about the upcoming game, and other games we’ve been too. There’s something compelling about unexpectedly finding your tribe.  It’s a pretty great thing to instantly have something in common – something that we’re both passionate about. Add in  courtesy and proximity and that’s definitely sexy.

So there you have it, my reader, sexiness even in flying.   It’s really not so bad, I guess.  A girl couldn’t ask for a better seat buddy than a courteous 12th man (thanks John). This week I encourage you to practice Flying Sexiness.  Be courteous to each other, touch and be close, and cherish your tribe.


My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!