Why We Should All Have Platonic Friends

This week I trusted a new friend and was rewarded with kindness and compassion.  Not always the case, I assure you, but in my 44 years on this earth one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is: Don’t let the fear of feeling foolish stop you from reaching out to someone else.  I was 39 when I learned that lesson, and The Universe was not so kind in its teaching.  Remember: if you don’t listen, it has to talk louder. (Mel’s Life Lesson 1996)

Anyhow, this new friend is a man. <gasp> I know, right? I’m friends with a man who isn’t my husband. No, I wasn’t hitting on him, and no, he wasn’t hitting on me, but we were having a conversation and he did something, unintentionally, that was sexy. He had trusted me with some personal news, and after our conversation I reached out to him trusting (hoping) that I could speak honestly with him about his unintentional sexiness. (That’s what I write about in my non-blog writings, remember?) I knew he could misunderstand and react as many have, but my Life Lesson 2012 was still ringing loud in my ears… and I leapt.  The “net” appeared in the form of unquestioning acceptance and a gentle response. And so this week’s blog inspiration found me… platonic friendships.

It’s not Friends with Benefits, but really the Benefits of Friendship – without the rules of romance to gum up the works. Let’s look at the benefits of having a Platonic Best Friend (PBF):

1.  Honesty. Your lover may be afraid to tell you that your new hair-do looks like a chocolate covered cherry, but your PBF will tell you straight out it’s a hair-don’t.

2.  It gives you another perspective.  I’m a girl and I think like a girl. Granted some of my thoughts are more like a dude’s, but I still see and feel things like a girl. Having guys who are friends gives me their perspective and insight into the Mechanisms of Man-Brain, and vice versa.

3.  It helps you be an adult.  You’re going to have to learn to work with people of the opposite sex, without utilizing the benefits of your sexuality. Having friends who are the opposite gender allows you to develop this skill.

4.  Unconditional love and support.  Without the expectation of a romantic relationship you’re free to be there for each other during tough times, and good times. Your PBF knows you, warts and all, and knows what you’re capable of. He’ll gently (or not so gently) nudge you when you’re stalled, and cheer your successes.
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5.  You don’t worry what other people think: People will pry, assume, and judge you regardless of what you do. Similar to Mel’s Life Lesson 2012, don’t let the fear of other people’s opinion stop you from having a worthwhile relationship. I’m not saying you should do things that would make your spouse or lover insecure, but having an opposite-sex friend is so beneficial you shouldn’t let the opinion of strangers determine who you are friends with.

When I met my husband his best friend was a girl. They’d known each other for almost 20 years, had been there for each other through the births of their children, rocky marriages that eventually ended in divorce, and were not a couple – just best friends.  She calls him her “brother,” he loves her and will be there for her if she ever needs anything, and she’s always there for him. I wasn’t threatened by their friendship. I appreciated (and still do) the fact that my husband has the capacity to love and care for people. I’m glad to say now she’s also one of my best friends. I love her dearly and would do anything for her.  And isn’t that what we need in this world? More love?

This week, my reader, I encourage you to embrace and strengthen your platonic friendships. You’ll be rewarded with honesty, perspective, and a lifetime of friendship.


My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at write2unpack@gmail.com. Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Probably Obvious Cough Syrup Truths

My kids love to share, and this time of year they share the flu and their colds.  Recently the 10 year old and I were taken down by the flu at the same time, and today I write to you with the cold that the 12 year old and I are sharing.

Colds suck. They make you all phlegmy and gross and, although I like to find the sexy in everything, even I am having a hard time finding things that are sexy about having a cold. So instead I thought I’d share some (probably obvious) truths I just learned about cough syrup.

1.  Even if you don’t like cough syrup, coughing a lot keeps you awake at night and makes your head hurt so much you’ll want cough syrup.

2.  Nighttime cough syrup and daytime cough syrup look a lot alike at 4:00 a.m.

3.  It doesn’t have to be nighttime for nighttime cough syrup to work.

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5.  When your doctor gives you a cough syrup and tells you it lasts for 12 hours… believe him.

This week, my reader, I encourage you to go through your medicine cabinet and clearly mark the daytime/nighttime cough syrup so you can easily tell the difference late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Today I’m fortunate that I didn’t have to get up and function at my day job, and the boys had a 2 hour delay thanks to freezing rain. The kids are off to school and I’m going to go take a nap and schmooze The Best Husband Ever into making me some magic soup for when this damned cough syrup wears off.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at write2unpack@gmail.com. Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

5 Things That Make Blizzards Sexy

It’s the Storm of the Century! Ok, just a winter storm warning, but we’re supposed to get 7-14 more inches and that just makes me want to batten down the hatches, draw my family close to me and stay home. It worked out great because today is Wednesday, my writing day, and I feel like writing about things that are sexy. With the winter storm already starting, and looking out my window at probably 2 inches of new snow, today’s post clearly must be about blizzards. Although it’s just a storm, not a blizzard (I mean no offense to anyone actually in a blizzard), it’s a crap-ton of snow and that’s what I’m going to call it. What’s sexy about blizzards you ask? Let’s discuss:

First, if you google “why are blizzards sexy?” you’ll get a bunch of posts about a “sexy pose” being removed from a video game.  Blizzard is a video game developer and apparently had something questionable in one of its games… regardless, totally not where I wanted to go today.

1. Exercise that isn’t really “exercise.” Exercise makes fit bodies, fit bodies are sexy. I have a hard time doing traditional “gym” exercise, but with all the snow that’s falling I’ve had to get out and move it. Shoveling snow is great exercise – especially if the wall of snow you’re throwing it over is 5’. Let’s not forget the other fun things that are also good exercise: snow shoeing, especially if you have to make your own path; sledding, walking up the hill is great exercise; skiing, downhill and cross-country both are great workouts. You’ll be fit and sexy in no time and not even notice you’re doing “exercise.”

2. Fireplaces: Once you’ve gone outside and worked that body into sexy fitness, what’s more wonderful and romantic than warming up in front of a fire? The radiant warmth, crackling logs and dancing flames are super sexy and romantic.

3. Fuzzy blankets: Being wrapped in softness and comfort is definitely a sexy feeling. Throw in a fire and a loved one and the romance may overtake the sexy!

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5. Hot tubbing with mimosas in the snow: That should be self-explanatory.

So this week, or for the next few days as the storm rages on, I encourage you to look through a different filter. Appreciate the exercise that isn’t but is making you stronger, snuggle up with a loved one, in front of a fire, under a fuzzy blanket, and when it’s time – get out there and hot tub with mimosas in the snow. Take full advantage of the sexy this storm has to offer. I know I will!

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at write2unpack@gmail.com. Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!