So here we are, you and I, a brand new year spiraling up from the ending of the last. It was 3° this morning at my house and as per usual I have a million things swirling around in my brain: camping in the cold this weekend, wishing I was back in Hawaii camping in Hana, the best way to stay warm… but, the draw of the new year is too strong to resist and I keep coming back to that – new beginnings.
I typed in “new beginnings” on my search engine and the top results were: an adoption facility, two drug and alcohol rehab centers, and an LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) site for their program for young women to help guide them in their faith and spirituality.
Perfect! Those are great things to help us in our year of new beginnings!
1. Adoption facility. Adoptions are about families growing together or being created with love. One of my focuses this year is to be a better wife and mom. I want to strengthen my bond with all of my children, and my husband, and grow our families with love.
Some families are created. I have a special group of friends I call my “chosen family.” The adoption site is a good reminder that families are not always bonded by blood, some are bonded by choice. This doesn’t make them less important, and I need to remember to reinforce those ties with love too.
2. Drug and alcohol rehab/detox centers. Ok, this one should be obvious. New years are a time for resolutions. Whether it’s to cut back on drinking, lose a few (or 25) pounds, or to eat more healthy, these sites are a reminder that you CAN do it. Sometimes we fail, sometimes we need others to help us (did I mention I’m in an accountability group?), and sometimes we need to find others like us in order to know we’re not alone and who will help us succeed.
Need inspiration? Find inspiration in the lotus flower. Arguably one of the most beautiful flowers, the lotus flower grows up through dark and muddy waters, finds the light and blooms. Rise above the dark and bloom!
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3. LDS program for young women. We are all spiritual beings. It doesn’t matter if you’re Mormon, Catholic, Scientologist, Muslim, or Wiccan. This site is a good reminder to nurture that side of you as well. Don’t get so caught up in physical things that you neglect your spirituality. Take time for yourself to investigate your faith, strengthen your relationship with God, Allah, or nature… whatever you believe in – take some time to reinforce that bond and make yourself more well-rounded – more whole.
It’s also reminder that we should be good role models, not just for our children, but for others as well. Be kind, be thoughtful, be loving and teach others to be the same. I’ve never learned so much about any particular thing than when I was teaching another about it.
Is it coincidence that today’s post about perseverance (in love, health, and spirituality) was inspired by the persistence of the new year? Nah, I don’t believe in it. This week, my reader, I encourage you to take the lessons of “new beginnings” to heart: Love and grow your families, make healthy choices, and explore your faith. Feel free to drop me a line and share your successes, struggles, or lessons!
My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!