The new moon in Pisces is today. A time of darkness, and the perfect time to reflect inward about how to manifest your dreams. I often pull a Tarot card for writing inspiration, and the card that has been coming up lately is The Tower. Yikes! While the Death card in the Tarot is usually what everyone is afraid of, even Death’s impressively transformational energy is small potatoes compared to energy of The Tower.
This card shows a tower perched on top of a mountain. Lightning strikes the top, knocking it off and setting the physical structure on fire. Two people leap desperately from the flaming tower, as fire rains from the sky. This is a card of sudden and massive destruction on a physical level.
When The Tower appears in a reading, you can expect (or perhaps have just experienced) destruction of your sense of comfort and stability. A foundational belief of yours has been or will be suddenly revealed as false. You will likely already be aware of the destruction, but sometimes the foundational shake up is on your subconscious level. Ask yourself, “What in my life is breaking down?” This is a super intense energy and will penetrate your spirit, emotions, and body.
Terrifying, right? Absolutely, but not all is lost! As with everything, with the destruction of old ways of thinking, a better path is revealed.
Think of it like a forest fire: terrifying, sudden, sweeping destruction, but it paves the way for new growth. This dark and powerful card brings with it the fantastic ability to transform. Although often painful, the awakening you’ll experience will bring freedom, inspiration and release you from bondage (the two people leaping from the tower are the same two people chained and bound in The Devil card – more on that later).
In the Tarot, The Fool shows us the naïve childlike version of “leap and the net will appear.” The Fool, trusting what The Universe has shown him, steps off the cliff certain the net will appear. The Tower card shows us being thrown out of a current situation or belief system. When we haven’t been listening to what The Universe has been telling us The Tower will forcibly thrust us out of our comfort zone. This disorienting energy allows us the freedom to grow beyond what we ever thought possible.
At some point in our lives, we all experience the energy of The Tower. Notice though, The Tower is falling not directly due to anything the people did. The Universe has seen it is flawed (notice the top of The Tower is circular, but the actual building is square) and is tearing down this faulty structure. As painful and disorienting as it is, the best way to survive and make it through this time is to take it as an opportunity for freedom and transformation. Whether that transformation is physical, emotional, regarding a relationship, or a test of faith, this is the time to embrace the opportunity forced upon you.
Now my reader, during this time of darkness and reflection, take a moment to look deep and examine what structures within you are not quite right. What is not true? What is not honest? Deception and illusion will be destroyed, allowing you the freedom to see things in a new way. Take the opportunity. Take it now, while The Universe is still whispering. Consider yourself warned. If you don’t, The Universe will throw you out of a burning tower during a firestorm. Figuratively speaking, of course. 🙂
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