That’s right. She-Who-Is-Afraid-To-Fly can even find sexiness in flying.
As you probably know, I’m vacationing in New Orleans this week. Turns out the fastest way to get there is flying. Oh sure, a road trip would be nice, but I only have so much time for vacation, and driving from Washington to Louisiana would pretty much take all of it. So… flying it is.
I hate flying. I hate airports, planes, and people breathing my air. This week The Best Husband Ever challenged me to see if I could write a sexy post about it. I’m not one to back down from a challenge, so this week’s inspiration found me in the form of a challenge.
I can find sexy in just about anything, and although this was a little tougher for me, a little vodka drink helped me relax and look around and observe what was going on around me and I found 3 things that were sexy.
- Courtesy. In an airport or on the plane it surprised me how much more courteous people were to each other. In a grocery store, for example, people are grabby and pushy and cut in line. Not so in the airport. I saw people who were kind and assisted a mom with a toddler who dropped something, guys who help others lift their bags into the storage compartments, and no one cut in line. People were kind, gracious, and everyone seemed to be accepting of everyone else. I wonder if everyone could see how much sexier it is to be kind then they’d try a little harder – everyone wants to be a little sexier, right?
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Proximity. Normally I fly Alaska, but this time I was on a United plane. Maybe it’s just me but the seats seem a little tighter and you can pretty much forget “personal space.” Now, I don’t have a problem with being close to others, even strangers, and that was definitely a good thing for this flight. That being said, being close to others is sexy. Touch is sexy, and being near another human being (especially one who is kind) is definitely attractive.
- Common Interest. This one is kind of like courtesy, but a little different. We’re all going to get on a plane and sit very close to each other – that puts us all in the same boat (or plane… get it?) and we instantly have something in common. Not only that, but while we were in the airport I saw a herd of the 12th man. As luck would have it, one of the 12th herd had the seat between The Best Husband and I. I’m sure he knew how sexy courtesy is and agreed to switch seats with me so I could sit next to my husband. He and his friends were going to New Orleans to the ‘Hawks game too. He was easy to talk to and we chatted about the upcoming game, and other games we’ve been too. There’s something compelling about unexpectedly finding your tribe. It’s a pretty great thing to instantly have something in common – something that we’re both passionate about. Add in courtesy and proximity and that’s definitely sexy.
So there you have it, my reader, sexiness even in flying. It’s really not so bad, I guess. A girl couldn’t ask for a better seat buddy than a courteous 12th man (thanks John). This week I encourage you to practice Flying Sexiness. Be courteous to each other, touch and be close, and cherish your tribe.
My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!
John is my biddy! He is super sexy!