Clearing the Clutter

Clutter 2I love Hoarders. Not the people, although I do love some people who are hoarders, but the A&E Show “Hoarders.” This is a show about people so tortured and afraid to let go of even the smallest item that they’ve literally “buried” themselves alive in their own homes. I watch this show and it inspires me to go through my house and consider whether or not I need every treasure. Turns out – I do not.

“Outer order contributes to inner calm.”

With so much stress in the world around us today the importance of a clutter-free space is more important than ever. In the world of Feng Shui, low energy of clutter is detrimental to the bright, refreshing, uplifting energy that we all seek. Better productivity, more creativity, calmer and clearer thinking is definitely worth taking a look at your home.

Experts say you should first divide your clutter into 3 piles:

1.  Things to donate. Hey, tax deductions are a good thing. You get “paid” for items you don’t need or never use, and someone else will buy them and put them to good use. It’s win-win.

2.  Things to keep. Mementos, books that you love, sentimental treasures and things you really just can’t part with. I was cleaning out my basement and found a box full of old vinyl records.  A friend suggested searching on Pinterest for repurposing old records, I did, and am amazed at the creativity of others and totally plan on making super-cool gifts out of my old memories. (Seriously, go to Pinterest and search “repurposing vinyl records.” You can find anything on Pinterest).

3.  Things to throw away. Is it broken? Have you kept that broken exhaust fan motor because you’re going to fix it “someday?” Throw it out. It doesn’t serve you. Those clothes you’re going to lose the weight and fit into? Throw them out. When you do lose the weight celebrate and buy yourself updated clothes!
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Clearing the clutter isn’t just for your house, or that back room. Clearing away clutter is important in your life too. Are you happy in your job? If you’re unhappy doing what you do then maybe it’s time to make a change. I’m not talking about quitting your job today and telling your boss “Melissa said I am supposed to do this!” I’m talking about taking some steps, or even just one step, toward what you really do want to do. What is it that drives you? Move toward that.

Clutter 6Are your relationships serving you? This year, as we move into Month #2 take a look at your life and assess your relationships. Are you in loving, compassionate, and supportive relationships? Do you spend time with people who lift you up and inspire you, or do you get sucked into those who thrive on drama and discord? Make a conscious choice to be a better person, to shed unwanted hate, and surround yourself with those who motivate and encourage you.

Tidying up your house (and life) is a good thing and an important thing. By getting rid of what doesn’t serve you, you make room for what does.  You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel just clearing away the clutter.

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