Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Why I Love Teenagers

In my life as a grown up I’ve survived raising six teenagers.  I’m now on #7 and #8 is coming up in 2 years. My 12 year old turned 13 yesterday, and my 10 year old is entering his second decade on this earth tomorrow.  All this birthday-ness has me thinking about them and their transition from the fun-loving, big-eyed, wonder-filled boys who think I’m amazing and love me unconditionally, into… teenagers.

I haven’t always loved teenagers, but as I’ve aged and been around them I’ve learned to love the very things that used to make me cringe. Life is all a matter of perspective, right?

Not all teens are the same, I get that.  My boss will tell you his daughter’s been a teenager for three years… she’s 10. Kids are all different, but I wanted to share some of my reasons – general reasons, and shortened my list to my favorite five things:

1.  They make me smarter. From fashion to technology, teenagers have their fingers on the pulse of “today.” They’ve also developed some critical thinking and reasoning and, although they’re often wrong and their reasoning isn’t based in logic, I have to up my parenting game from “No.” to  “No, because…” I want to parent them thoughtfully and lovingly, and that becomes more of a challenge when they think for themselves and debate my every decision.

2.  Hygiene. Once a child reaches their teens the daily reminder to shower no longer is necessary. Instead, I now have the joy of banging on the bathroom door and telling him to get out of the shower. Before he was a sweaty little boy, now I have a heavily marinated teen who needs to learn the lesson of “sometimes less is more.”

3.  Passion. Anyone who’s ever raised, or been around a teen, knows exactly how passionate they are about EVERYTHING. There is no such thing as a molehill. Every problem is a mountain, and everything is a big deal. I don’t care if you’re talking about shoe color or why they won’t wear that shirt you bought for them that they had to have. I love it because, as adults, we’ve learned to moderate our feelings. Teens feel everything in technicolor.

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5.  Instant knowledge. Gone are the days when I had to wonder “is that superhero Marvel or DC Comics?” I no longer agonize over any video game question and can talk “Pokemon” with the best of them. My teen knows everything from kid stuff to “does this white wine reduction look like it’s reduced enough?” Teenagers are a great source of knowledge. They literally know everything – just ask them.


Superman (DC) Hulk (Marvel)

Batman (DC) Captain America (Marvel)

Wonder Woman (DC) Spiderman (Marvel)

I love their intelligence, their desire to improve, their willingness to change (but only if it’s their idea), and I especially love that, someday, they will grow out of it.  I feel like I’m getting a sneak peek at what kind of young men my boys are growing into, and I try to adjust my parenting accordingly to nudge them in the direction I want them to go.

So this week, my reader, I encourage you to get out there and embrace your teen.  Love them for the smelly, moody, emotional messes they are. I still have pictures Aidan drew me back when he loved me shamelessly and openly. I have them hanging in my office to remind me no matter how surly he gets, he really does love me.  This whole “teenager” thing is a new experience for him, and we’ll make it through together.

A picture Aidan drew when I was the “Worlds Assemeis Mom.”

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Chasing Rainbows

“Drive faster mom! I think we can catch this one!”

That’s my 10 (almost 11) year old shouting at me from the back seat on the way to soccer practice.  No, he wasn’t concerned about being late – he wanted me to catch up to the rainbow that had just appeared. It was sunshine/raining.  You know the kind, where there’s sunshine but also a drizzly, misty rain.  Perfect conditions for rainbows, and sure enough, there was one right in front of us.

I drove faster but, as it turns out, we didn’t catch the rainbow and I didn’t find a pot of gold. I may have missed out on the money, but I did find inspiration for this week’s post: chasing rainbows.

First, the science:

Rainbows are created when sunlight hits raindrops at a certain angle. Sunlight is actually composed of many colors, but when it’s sunny out we only see white light.  When it rains, and sunshine hits the drops at a certain angle, the different colors of sunlight separate and we see …rainbows!

Pretty cool, huh? The rain actually allows us to see something that otherwise would be invisible!

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As I was driving with my son “chasing” a rainbow, I got to thinking about what rainbows represent. To my son it represents a pot of gold and a leprechaun, to me it represents reassurance from above and hope: comfort that things will be better, encouragement that it will be worth it, a promise that something good can come out of something bad. “Yes, sure, it’s raining now, but just look at that sunshine and those beautiful colors.”

If it weren’t for the rain, we wouldn’t have rainbows.  How true for our lives as well: If we didn’t have a little of the bad stuff, we wouldn’t be able to see all the beautiful goodness around us.

I was already planning on writing about rainbows, and today feel compelled it’s even more appropriate – I just learned one of my dear friends has colon cancer.  He’s going to have to endure some “stuff,” and his family will go through the rain with him. But with their love and support, and the love and support of his friends, there will be a rainbow for them all after the rain.

I love ya, man. Keep looking up.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Leon Loves Purple Too

Work is extra busy right now, and my Sacred Writing Time will be encroached upon for The Job That Pays. I don’t mind, actually, it gives me an opportunity to carve out extra writing time that normally would be taken up with other responsibilities. But it did leave me wondering what to write about.

So, I sat in front of my computer and wondered. Instead of focusing on writing, my mind went to yesterday and lunch with The Best Husband Ever on the deck.  While we were sitting in the sunshine a single honey bee flew over, landed on the footstool, performed a little dance, then groggily flew off the way he’d come.  Probably pretty cold still for the bees to have much grace in flying, but it did give me some inspiration for today’s post.


Leon Loves Purple Too

By Melissa Gale

The bee danced a figure-eight on the back of her hand. Alicia smiled, delighted at her new friend’s chosen bee-ballet. Lying belly down in the middle of the front flower patch she could smell the early purples around her. Her mom said this flower bed was her responsibility, and if she kept the flower patch weed-free she could pick the flowers that grew there – and Alicia Keene liked purple.

Her legs lazily kicking up from the knees, she grinned at her friend. “I’m so glad you’re happy. It’s nice to see you too. How are things at the hive?” Alicia turned her hand with the bee’s dance so he could stay on the top of her hand.  “What? Leon? Hi Leon. My name’s Alicia. Alicia Marie Keene. Pleased to meet you.”

“Leeeeeesha! Oh, there you are. What are you doing? Talking to those dumb bees again?” Henry sneered at her as he came around the corner of the house.

“Shut. Up. Henry. They’re my friends. Don’t be mean to them.” Alicia moved her other hand over so the bee could dance on it.

“You’re just a dumb baby. Maybe when you’re eight years old like me you’ll be smarter.” Henry walked over to see her still turning her hand, the bee now making a circle in the palm of her outstretched hand.

“Yoooou’re juuust jealousss.” Alicia moved her hand away from Henry’s sight. “They don’t like you like they like me. They even listen to me.”

“Don’t be dumb. Bees don’t talk.” Henry moved around the other side to see the bee in his sister’s hand.

“Sure they do dummy. You just don’t know how to listen.” Alicia extended her palm toward a small patch of violets in her garden. “Hey Leon. Why don’t you try out those nice purple flowers right there.  I bet you’ll like them. They smell awfully sweet and delicious.”

Henry swiped at a stalk of grass growing in the violets. The bee stopped turning its circles in Alicia’s palm. He drifted lazily up and slowly over to the violets. Sampling one sweet-as-candy blossom and then another before bobbing gently back to Alicia’s palm.
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“See. They understand me and trust me. They know I’d never do anything to hurt them.” Alicia held the bee at eye level and smiled at him. “Right, Leon?”

Henry threw the grass stem he’d been fidgeting with down at Alicia’s hand. “Maybe they’re just as stupid as you.” The bee lifted up to avoid the grass, and then returned to his dance – this time walking in diagonal lines, making an “X” shape across her hand.

“You’re not ‘posed to say ‘stupid’ Henry. If mom heard you you’d be in trouuuuble.”

“Mom’s not here, dummy. And you’re not going to tell her or I’ll go spray your hive with the hose!” Henry frowned down at her.

“They don’t like you. That makes them smart right there!” Alicia bent and whispered to her friend. “Don’t worry, Leon, I won’t let him hurt you.”

“Maybe I’ll take the hose to them anyway. Get you to shut up about them for a while.” Henry turned and took off at a trot across the lawn.

“Leon NO!” Alicia screamed as the bee launched itself from her hand and rocketed toward Henry.


I love honey bees. We had hives of them when I was a little girl, and although I’m terrified of wasps, honey bees have always seemed to be a peaceful, loving, and gentle creatures just trying to get their work done – unless their hive is under attack, then all bets are off.

So this week, my reader, my message to you is to embrace Spring. Appreciate the creatures big and small who occupy this world of ours, and just want to get their work done too. Oh, and don’t piss off the hive.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!