Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Abundance and Intuition

Intuition 4I’ve been working on keeping a grateful mindset, focusing my energy on acknowledging the wonderful things I have in my life. I have great friends, a loving family, a beautiful house that’s warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but yet, I feel like there’s more out there. I feel like just hidden under some bushes, or just around the corner, or just out of sight – like it’s there but doesn’t quite occupy the space yet – is more just waiting for me to believe it into existence.

Crazy, right? Well, that’s today’s blog post. No, not my psychosis, but how your intuition can bring abundance into your life.

Gratitude is the first step. Seeing what you have, acknowledging it and opening your heart and feeling grateful that you have it. Once you acknowledge the wonderful things in your life you are creating a path for more great things to arrive.

The next step: Ask. If you don’t ask the answer is always “no.” Do you want to know “Is this job right for me?” “Does he/she really love me?” “How can I make more money?” whatever it is you want to know, ask that. And another great thing about your intuition – it’s always RIGHT THERE. You can access it anytime, 24/7.

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Then, listen.  Intuition is generally a quiet voice. It can be hard to hear if your mind is busy with other things. You must be in a relaxed state to listen.  That’s why problems are solved when our minds are relaxed – like on a long run, in the shower, listening to the rain… Think about the last time you had a great idea. Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind and allow your intuition to be heard and wait for the answer to come.  The ideas always come to us, we don’t go to them. In the words of William Kenower, “… we are all tuning and tuning the frequency of our interest, and as we do we come to understand that strange paradox, that we must grow increasing still to receive the information needed to move us forward.”

Follow your intuition. The best way to close off your intuition is to never follow it.  Ever been in a situation where you kept asking for something and the answer was always “no?” Did you keep asking or did you finally just quit asking? Right, me too.  So, after you have the answer to your question – do that. You can start small, such as just asking about whether or not you should park in that spot (or does it look a little tight?), or maybe you feel like you should take a different route to work today. You can practice following your intuition on everyday situations, it’s doesn’t always have to be a life-changing, do-or-die decision.
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Much like a psychic medium, as a writer I ask questions and then listen. Sometimes the answer is quick, other times it takes a while for me to hear the answer. I don’t always like what my intuition is saying, but it’s always got an answer.

So how does that bring abundance into your life? Simple: Your intuition is a connection to your subconscious  – an unmatched source of wisdom and creative energy.

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” ~Buddha

So this week, my readers, I encourage you to join me in bringing abundance into your lives by listening to your intuition.  Shhhh… did you hear that?

Intuition 8

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!


Top 10 Reasons Yoga is Sexy


Yoga 3I had an epiphany this weekend. My family is going to Hawaii in March – that means this body has to be “bikini ready” in around 3 months AND we’re neck deep into the holiday season. The season of feasts, friends, family, and those delicious creamy hot drinks – not good for my waistline.  I’ve been doing yoga once a week for sevaral months now, but I’ve been looking on Pinterest (yes, Pinterest) about different yoga poses to help melt the middle and tone up my arms & legs. My goal this month is to start doing yoga 4-5 times per week, which is what sparked this week’s post topic and my Top 10 Reasons Yoga is Sexy:


  • Yoga bodies. Yoga bodies are toned and shapely. A man who practices yoga has toned arms and shoulders, and remember how magical a man’s chest is? Just think how great a yoga man’s chest is. Yoga 4

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  • Strength. People who practice yoga are physically strong. There are poses that require hand stands, one legged stands, and a various assortment of body manipulations. Not only are their bodies strong, but yoga strengthens minds. And a person who is strong mentally and physically is definitely sexy.


  • Yoga 10Flexibility. A body that can bend and twist in all sorts of angular ways is fantastic! Not just flexibility of body, but yoga can increase mental flexibility as well. Increased flexibility can lead to more adventurous play in the bedroom physically and a more playful, adventurous person emotionally.


  • Open minded. A person who practices yoga is generally more open minded. They have let go of the need to judge or criticize themselves or others. Acceptance of self and of others is sexy.


  • Sanskrit sounds cool. The language of Sanskrit is amazing and tremendously expressive from “rati” which means passionate love and “prema” which means a pure, selfless love, yoga poses (or asanas) have super cool Sanskrit names. My favorite poses are Salamba Sirsasana (supported headstand) and Shivasana (corpse pose), which, incidentally is also my best one.


  • Improved health. Yoga has been shown to improve your immune system – especially the inverted poses. People who are healthy are sexy.


  • Yoga 2Not only does yoga teach us to be more balanced in our bodies, but it also brings with it a mindfulness of our emotions and how they impact our health. A man or woman who is emotionally balance is undeniably sexy.


  • Yoga teaches us to ground ourselves, both physically and mentally. It provides us a means to ground ourselves and exist in a state of peace – or at least the means to return to a state of peace when we need it. Someone who is calm and peaceful in the face of adversity is absolutely sexy.


  • Along with a toned body, strength, and peace comes confidence. Someone who is sure of themselves and knows what they want and that they can have it is sexy.


  • Yoga pants. I don’t need to say anything else and you totally get this one, right?

Yoga 8

So this week, my reader, I encourage you to practice yoga. Take a class, watch a video, google some poses, and practice the mindfulness that yoga brings knowing that your bodies are getting stronger, healthier, and unquestionably sexier.



I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!


The Romance of Rain

Rain 11First, let me explain.

Rain can mean sadness and tears, rain can be purifying or cleansing, rain can be what makes two people seek shelter – or one person can shelter another from the emotional “rain” that is drowning them, but today I want to talk about the top 5 things I love most about rain. Not a torrential rain, or a slight misting of water from the sky, but a nice steady rain.


  • The smell of rain. I’m very much a smell-person and there’s something so invigorating about the way the world smells when it rains. It smells fresh and clean. As if Mother Nature has taken a deep breath and now the world can breathe again.

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  • The peacefulness and softness of the world when it rains. I love the sound the rain makes when it’s falling steadily. My favorite is when there are no other sounds, as if I’m in a vacuum and the only thing I can hear is the soft pat-pat-pat as the rain falls and touches the trees and gardens around my house. I grew up in a rural area, and our house had a metal roof. I can’t count the times I went to sleep listening to the rain falling outside and the sound it made on the roof.


  • Rain 12Dancing in the rain. There is something wonderfully sexy about someone who is so whimsical, lighthearted, and spontaneous that they’ll dance in the rain. You can control many things in your life, but you can’t control the weather.


  • It’s comfortable. Whether you’re holed up in a warm house looking out, or outside with a loved one. There’s something so embracing about the rain. I love hot tubbing with my husband in the rain (or snow). I love the contradictory experience of being surrounded by warm swirly water when it’s cold and rainy. It’s comforting, romantic, and it makes me feel like I’ve found a little bit of paradise in a world that can be cruel. And besides, anyone can love you in the sunshine, but it takes someone special to love you with soaked hair and mascara that looks a little like Alice Cooper.


  • Kisses in the rain. O-M-G… That’s right. It’s so amazing I’ve turned into a teenage girl and am talking in text-speak.  There’s not much hotter than soaked shirts clinging to skin, water running in rivulets down the side of his face… The weather often influences our mood, and guess what happens when the intensity of a kiss matches the fierceness of the rain? Wowsa!

Rain 6

This week has been super rainy, and so I wanted to remind you that rain is romantic. An unknown author said, “Raindrops are quite possibly the bravest things God has created – they’re never afraid to fall.”  Let that be a reminder to you this week. Get out there and breathe deeply, kiss passionately, dance in the rain, and don’t be afraid to fall.

Rain 7

I love input, so please feel free to leave me a comment below or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and connect with me there. Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s easy (if you’re on your cell go up to “Menu” then “About Me” and scroll down to “Follow Me”) and you won’t miss a post!