Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Jump And The Net Will Appear – Guest Post

Jump 1This week I spotlight another writer friend of mine, Corneil Vacirca. Corneil, like me, is a romance writer, and with the new year she’s decided to make a major life change. I am so very proud of her and support her decision whole-heartedly. I asked if she’d be willing to guest-post on my blog and, being the amazing writer she is, she sent me the following.


“Jump and the net will appear.”

A friend gave me those words as I contemplated making a major life change. Almost anyone looking from the outside in, could easily think I had lost my marbles. It made no sense to give up the predictability, comfort, security of what was to take a chance on something that might only could be.

But her words were a gift of profound impact.

When I’ve come to crossroads in life, I’ve studied all of the angles, turned the situation upside down, inside out. My approach would lead you to believe that an approach with through analyzation would mean a successful outcome, right? Funny how life doesn’t work that way.

I’ve lived by the idea that God would open and close the right doors, all I had to do was pay attention and walk through or away. But what if the door I thought was open, was just made of glass? And when I walked through it would shatter and leave me with cuts and covered in so many shards of glass it would takes months of tweezer work to fully recover.

What if the door that felt like it was closing just needed a good kick to open and be the right one I was supposed to walk through all along?

But what if it wasn’t about doors at all? What if wasn’t about right or wrong ones to walk through? What if it was about the leap? What if I was supposed to take it even when I couldn’t see anything but rocks at the bottom of the cliff? What if I just took a chance and believed there really was always a net?

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When I thought about it a little bit more I realized I have been blessed to live surrounded by jumpers.

My Nana’s husband died of heart failure at age 42, leaving her with five kids and a house that was in the middle of a future freeway in a tiny Northern New Mexico town. When the state bought the house, she could have kept going along the easy path hugging the cliff. Stay in the tiny town full of family support. Nope, she didn’t do that. She jumped and moved 300 miles away from that tiny town to the city so that her kids would have more and better opportunities. Her net is now full of grandkids and their families, all extremely grateful she leaped.

My sister had a great job as a marketing director in the tech world in her 30’s. But a corporate division break up and sale left her with a choice. One path with the old company, one with the new. But instead of turning left or right along the paved trail, she kept walking. She went straight to the edge of the cliff and jumped. She moved to an island off the coast of Honduras to teach. Nope she didn’t have a degree in education or a teaching license or certificate. But her net appeared anyway. Eventually that net included a husband, family and the opportunity to open her own school.

It’s scary to believe in the net, especially when you can’t see it. And when it appears it might be made up of frayed strands of rope held together with knots and duct tape. But it’s there. It’s always there. Because it’s made within us. It is created with our strength, with our resilience, our heart, and our very souls. It is weaved with the love of family, of friends, of faith that make each of us unique and special. And when we believe in ourselves enough to listen to that little voice of our spirit speaking to our heart, we can be certain the net will appear, so go ahead and leap.

Jump 2

The Health Benefits of Being a Sexy Snuggler


Does sex help you get over a cold faster? I woke up with a cold this morning and thought about my earlier post about the Magic of Chicken Soup, but my husband wanted a sexier post today and that got me to thinking.  Sex has all sorts of health benefits, but that’s a bit racy for my blog. So what about snuggling? Snuggling is sexy AND there’s bound to be some health benefits as well. I did a quick internet search (hey, it wouldn’t be on the internet if it wasn’t true, right?) and here’s what I found…

First the big one: snuggling releases Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the “feel good” hormone and has a marvelous number of effects on our bodies. It reduces our stress levels, decreases anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and reduces our risk of heart disease.  Wow! Sounds like the super hormone of health benefits.

Oxytocin deepens women’s relationships. It has a biological role in the mother-baby bonding of new mothers, and it relaxes the mother so breastfeeding (which also has a role in bonding) is easier.  That carries on to our other relationships. If you’re more relaxed then you’re more open to honest communication, which strengthens your relationships.

The sensation of touch signals your body to release serotonin and dopamine. Translation: touch makes you feel good. And when you throw in some skin-to-skin contact your body slows the production of cortisol – the bad stress hormone. Cortisol has been shown to interrupt sleep and cause weight gain.  So, correct me if I’m wrong, it sounds like snuggling will also help me look better and shed unwanted pounds.

And finally, all those good hormones have been shown to boost your immune system. That’s what I need! I’d much rather cuddle with my lover than take a bunch of Vitamin C.

Amazing, right? And all this without popping a pill.

Now you know snuggling is definitely beneficial to your health, so the only thing left is how, exactly, to be a sexy snuggler. I love to snuggle. I’m definitely a hugger-to-greet-friends and a girl who needs physical contact.  Let’s take a look at some of my favorite snuggling positions:

Spooning: Like when you nest spoons in your silverware drawer, except on your side. This position is one of my favorites because it feels like you fit perfectly together.

Lying on his chest: Lying with your head on your lover’s chest with your bodies next to each other is terrifically sexy and a great way to snuggle. You can relax and talk about… things, and if you throw in a little caress of the arm and some shirtless-chest-skin-to-skin contact.  Whew! Almost too spicy for this post!

Snuggle 5Intertwining legs: This snuggling position is great because it’s not only super sexy and intimate, but it leaves your bodies and arms free to do whatever they want.  You can intertwine legs while spooning, while lying on his chest, or even just sitting on the couch watching a movie and sipping wine or holding hands.

What do you think? Are those your favorites too? Do you have other favorite snuggling positions?

I think I know what I need to do today.  I’ll get a little more writing done, make some chicken soup, and go snuggle. And to you, my reader, I warn you that it is cold and flu season.  It really would only be prudent if we all just snuggled a little more and boosted our immune systems.

Snuggle 4

I love feedback so please feel free to leave me a comment above, or find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and reach me there. If you’d prefer something less “social media-ish” you can send me an e-mail at: Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s quick, easy, and you won’t miss a post!

The Price

Raven 1

The challenge is to write a mini masterpiece, and I’ve accepted. Today’s post is a short story inspired by the words of a song.  Which song? Well, I’m not going to tell you. I’m going to write a story about it, sprinkle clues throughout, and see if you can guess.  Ready… set… go!

“I can help you get there, but you know there’s a cost.  There’s always a cost…” Ben says with his back to me.

“Of course I know that, and I’ll pay it. Whatever it takes. I’m so tired. I’m tired of missing him. Tired of “knowing looks.” Tired of people saying I just need to forgive myself and move on. Of thinking I see him in a crowd and then remembering again he’s gone… Did you know I still feel him with me? The other day I was alone in the house and a cold breeze ran down my arm. No windows were open, and I swear I felt him touch my arm like he used to before he’d hold my hand. I was so sure it was him. I was certain…” my voice trails off as I look over at what Ben’s doing. “Hey, what are you stirring over there?”

“It’s for you. It’ll help you get there, to see him again.” Ben turns to me still stirring a hot cup of something. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he says raising an eyebrow. “You only get a minute. One minute. That’s all anyone gets. And the cost is steep.”

“I said I’d pay it, and I mean it. But what is the cost? You keep talking about it but have never told me what it actually is.”

“That’s because it’s different for everyone. Some don’t come back from the other side, some come back… different. Honestly I’m not sure which is worse.” Ben sits in the chair across from me and sets the cup down on the little table. “I can’t tell you because I don’t know what your price is going to be. That’s not up to me.”

“Who sets the price? How will I know when to pay it?” I ask as I lift the cup from the table.

“I don’t know who sets it. God? The Devil? Whoever it is that grants us this peek into the other side one minute at a time.”  Ben shrugs his shoulders and then leans forward. “And you’ll know when. Once you cross over you have no choice, the fee will be taken from you.”

I sniff the steaming cup of madness and magic and reflexively pull back. “What the hell is this? It smells rotted and greasy.”

Ben leans back and places his hands on the arms of the chair. “Trust me. You don’t want to know. Just take a drink. It won’t take long.” He reaches over and flicks on an old record player. Funny, I didn’t think anyone used those anymore. It begins to hum and makes a shushing sound as he places the needle on the edge of the old vinyl.

I take a sip of “tea” and instantly almost throw it up. My earlier assessment of rot and grease were not wrong. Gagging and choking I manage to swallow. “Ugh. That’s awful!” I set the cup back down on the table and lie back on the couch closing my eyes. The sounds of a waltz wash over me as I lie there, excited and anxious about what comes next. “I’m ready.” I say as a white fog starts to fill in my head.

“Alright. Let the fog grow in your mind, that’s how you get there. Once you open your eyes your minute will start. When your minute is almost up you’ll hear a chime. I’ve been told there’s about 10 seconds from the chime until you leave. So listen for the chime.”

I try to open my eyes.

Ok. Embrace the fog.

Relaxing my mind I breathe slowly and allow the fog in.  Soon there’s only white.

Aspen 1

When I open my eyes I see him across the small wooded grove. His back’s to me and he doesn’t know I’m there.

 Time has started. Listen for the chime.

 “Nolan!” I shout. He turns and squints at me through the trees.  Recognizing me he smiles and waves. “Nolan!” I call out again, more desperate this time.  Tears slide down my cheeks as I run toward him. We meet in a natural depression in the earth, as if The Universe has directed us to be in this exact spot. All the sadness and loneliness in me disappear as his arms wrap around my neck. Holding him to me I put my head in the side of his neck and breathe him in. Nolan’s chest ripples as he laughs.

Oh God I’ve missed that sound.

We stand like that for a couple of breaths before I’m overcome with emotion and drop to my knees. The breeze rustles around us and the Aspens sound like water as the breeze flows between and around the heart-shaped leaves.

“Oh Nolan. I’ve missed you so much. I don’t have long. Please, let me just look at you.” I pull back from him and take his face in my hands. His eyes are the same electric blue I looked into for 6 years. “I always thought we’d have more time. There’s so much I wanted to say to you.” I’m crying and the words come out thick. Nolan’s hands are still around my neck and find the same piece of hair he used to twirl. “I love you so much. So so so much…”

Somewhere in the trees the sound of a chime gently drifts down to us. “Oh no! Not yet! It hasn’t been a full minute yet!” I look up at the sky pleading to whoever can hear me, and then back to Nolan, trying to memorize his face. “I have to go now, but stay here. Wait for me. I’ll be back, I promise!”

Nolan tilts his head and looks at me quizzically, his brow furrows as he realizes what I just said.  “Mommy? Mommy! Don’t go!”

The world goes white and pain instantly pierces my chest.  I gasp and grab at the pain. Looking down I see a scarlet circle appear over my heart and the burning sensation increases. The pain rips down my chest, tearing through the very center of me splitting me in half.  The agony consumes me, but my screams are not loud enough to cover the sound of ripping.

Everything goes white again and I’m thankful for the relief as the pain subsides into an aching line.  When I open my eyes I’m on the same shabby couch I was when I left, Ben still sitting in the chair across from me.

“Well?” He asks. “Was it worth it?”

Candle 1

Ok, that’s it. My Writing Day Mini Materpiece!  Did you like it? Did you love it? Do you know what song it is?

Find me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) and post your guesses in the comments.  10,000 Brownie points to the first person with a correct guess!

If you’d prefer something less “social media-ish” you can send me an e-mail at: Oh, and sign up to follow me. It’s quick, easy, and you won’t miss a post!