Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Life Lessons From a Labrador


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Belle and Jack-Jack

“I wish people were more like dogs.” I blurted out.

The Best Husband Ever and I were sitting on our deck after work, and those words just popped out of my mouth. I have a German Shepherd and a Labrador, black lab specifically, and both dogs were circling around us like a couple of sharks. The Labrador would drop the ball on my feet, look up at me expectantly, and then seize the ball before the Shepherd could get it so she could toss it at my feet again.  Dogs are great communicators without ever saying a word. That got me to thinking: what else could we learn from a Labrador? And presto! Inspiration for today’s blog post found me.

Labrador Lesson #1: Belong to a pack. Dogs are pack animals. Humans are not wired to be alone either.  There are tons of articles written about the importance of finding your “tribe” and how good it is for you emotionally, mentally, and physically.  We all need to be understood, supported, and inspired. So get out there and seek out those who are like you, the ones that inspire and lift you up. Surround yourself with those who love and don’t judge and see what a difference it makes in your life.


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Labrador Lesson #2: Be playful.  Anyone who’s ever had, seen, or been next to a Labrador knows how much they love to play. This is an important lesson for us as well. When we’re children we love to play and do everything possible to delay “work” so we can play for just one more minute.  Studies show that play time is crucial to developing imagination, creativity, physical and mental health. We talked about the importance of laughter and playfulness in this blog, and I encourage you to take a page from the Labrador book and endulge in something playful. It’s good for you.

Labrador Lesson #3: Have a bedtime.  Sleep is important. Not enough sleep negatively impacts our health, our weight, our sex drive, our mental focus, our emotional well-being… literally everything.  Belle sleeps with my boys. Their bedtime is 8:00. Belle knows that 8:00 is bedtime, and she knows when it’s 8:00. She’ll walk toward their bedroom, look back over her shoulder at me, look back at their room, then back at me as if to say, “Um, hey, it’s bedtime. Why aren’t we going to bed?” Belle knows the importance of sleep, and we should too.


She’s slightly displeased with me for interrupting her beauty-sleep…

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Labrador Lesson #4: Startle easily. Belle is super attentive, a little dim sometimes, but she’s always so focused on what’s directly in front of her (especially if it resembles food) that she’ll startle at the smallest thing.  Although her startle reflex is a little excessive, we could all learn to be a little more present in our lives. We spend so much time on our smart phones and tablets that we’re completely wrapped up in our own world and aren’t paying attention to the one that’s all around us. Look at what’s going on around you, who’s around you, and be aware of what’s happening right now.

Labrador Lesson #5: Love everyone. Labs are known for their friendly nature, and Belle is no exception. If you come over to my house you will have Labrador fur on you – just accept it. She will burrow between your legs expecting you to scratch her on her butt and will bring you every toy she has until you pick one up and play with her.  She accepts everyone regardless of race, religious beliefs, political affiliation, gender or disability. We should learn from her and be more loving towards each other. Judge others less harshly and accept that they’re different – and that’s ok.

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There are a ton of other lessons the Labrador could teach us, like how everything with water must have a Labrador in it… be enthusiastic about your food… but I’ll save those for another time. This week I’m going to me more mindful of Belle’s Labrador Lessons, and encourage you to do the same. Accept those who are different and have different beliefs, pay attention to the world around you, quit taking yourself so seriously and make time to be lighthearted and playful.  Oh, and never doubt the accuracy of the Labrador Wristwatch.

Lab 3


My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!



Everyday Magic

Magic 5For forty hours a week I work in a law office. Yesterday we were meeting about some clients and the discussion turned to fantasy fiction (don’t ask me why), and how some people love The Lord of The Rings trilogy and The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, but not Harry Potter. This got me thinking about what is so different about these stories that would preclude J.K. Rowling from the literary giants like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.

The Lord of the Rings has wizards that cast spells and creatures not found in the real world. Harry Potter has wizards that cast spells and creatures not found in the real world. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe is rooted in the real world but allows the main characters to travel to a magical place through an armoire. Harry Potter is rooted in the real world but allows the main characters to travel to a magical place through a train station.

Is it the fact that Rowling hasn’t yet achieved the lifetime greatness of Lewis and Tolkien? Is it because she’s not a former-Atheist-converted-to-Christianity? I don’t have the answer. I love pretty much anything fiction: from fantasy (If you can imagine it, it can become true), sci-fi (Different worlds? Races of creatures? Bring it on!), romance (Who doesn’t love a happy ending?), or dystopia (Yeah, the world’s bad but it’s not real so it’s ok).  I have my favorite authors, so maybe it’s as simple as that.

Regardless, I didn’t come here to discuss or debate different types of fantasy fiction and why some people don’t like Harry Potter magic but they like Gandalf The Grey magic, today I wanted to talk about the magic that’s around us every day.

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Let’s start with the obvious: Herbal medicine. From witches, to shamans to Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, people have long regarded those who can heal (or harm) with herbs as magical. There’s a ton of information on the ‘net about herbal uses, teas and tinctures, and aromatherapy. And what about Western medicine? We have machines that can see inside us without hurting us. If you ask me medicine (Eastern or Western), the ability to heal, is magic.

Coincidence. Have you ever been thinking about someone you haven’t seen in a long time, called them and they were going through something? Seen a billboard or sign that feels like it’s just for you? Heard a song on the radio at just the right time? Last week when I was in Seattle, The Best Husband and I were sitting in a restaurant having a quick margarita before going to a funeral service. There we were, filling out sympathy cards, and “Goodbye to You” comes on the radio. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a pop song by the Scandals released in 1982 (check it out here). Did I mention we were in a Mexican restaurant? Coincidence? I don’t believe in it. Life is full of those magical little nudges if we just pay attention.
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Chemistry. Whether it’s chemistry you have with someone you just met, or someone who is so charismatic they just seem to sparkle. The connection we can have with other people is definitely magical.

Magic 3

Making wishes. Isn’t making a wish essentially casting a spell? Aren’t you sending out into The Universe your desire in an effort to communicate with a higher power and draw the object you desire to you? People stop at wishing wells to offer a coin in exchange for a chance that their wish will come true. I believe making wishes is magic. Hope is magic.

So this week, my reader, I encourage you to pay attention to the magic that surrounds you: the nudges of The Universe, the coincidences that aren’t, and the wishes and hopes that bring you what you desire. Be present, be attentive, and just see what happens.

Magic 2

My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Well You Know, Maybe It Was

SparklyYou never know when life is going to present you with that sparkly bit. That little bit of amazingness that sparks something else. Inspiration is everywhere, and this week I found it in a mistakenly recorded conversation.

I was “orienteering” The Loop with my oldest son and friend, Sandra. She was helping us track the information on her cell phone using the speak-to-text function. Once we completed the walk, we looked back at the text and found out that sometimes the recorder didn’t shut off and it recorded parts of our conversation as well. And that’s where this week’s gem was found, wedged between the counted steps and various directions.  I decided to make it the first line of a story and see where it led me. This time I was led to a café where two strangers were having coffee together for the first time. The following is an excerpt of what I wrote. I thought I’d give you the conversation they had shortly after they met.


Well You Know, Maybe It Was

by Melissa Gale

“Well you know, maybe it was.” She said shifting uncomfortably in the wire café chair. Sitting outside in the back patio area of a well-known coffee joint for their first “date” felt safer before, when she first set up the meeting. Publicly reluctant despite the visible loudness of her red hair, which, thanks to she knew was well rooted in her past. Carlie wasn’t used to dating someone so openly opinionated, but all of Joseph’s reviews were positive (with the exception of that one) so she thought she’d give him a try. And hey, isn’t that what this is supposed to do? Help her grow and push through some social and personal barriers?

“Yeah? ” Joseph asks. “Well, I doubt that.” He leans back and takes a sip of his coffee looking at the table of trendy 20-somethings.

Strong and black.  Carlie thinks. Just like him.  She takes a moment to inspect him while his thoughts are elsewhere. Is he black? Is that even politically correct anymore? Skin tone aside, his height and athletic build added to her belief he’d be quite popular in his trade. And those eyes – stunningly green like Rhianna’s. What was her nationality again?

“Hey, you’re not drinking your latte.” Joseph points at her cup. An over-sized, artistically painted behemoth that seemed to be the staple of every trendy coffee shop in Seattle. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but your profile said that grande latte with 2 raw sugars was your favorite.”

Aware he caught her staring, Carlie quickly looks down at her cup. “You’re not wrong. It did and it is.” She spins her coffee cup with her fingertips not able to look up at him. “I’ve just never done this before, and I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say or do with you.”

“Look.” Joseph says quietly and gently places his hand over hers. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. The whole point of this is to allow you the safety to try new things: socially, sexually, or otherwise – with someone who’s experienced and able to help navigate you through it. Think of me as your ‘guide,’ ok? And no pressure from me.” He leans forward and looks up at her, finding her eyes. “I’m yours however, and whenever, you want me.” Removing his hand to take another sip of coffee he says, “If spinning coffee in that garish monstrosity while I drink mine is what you want to do, that’s just fine with me.”
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Carlie looks up at Joseph and sees his eyes sparkle as a playful smile slips across his face. It takes him only one step to move beside her. Holding out his hands he gives her his most trustworthy look and waits. Her eyebrows knot together as she tentatively reaches out and places her hands in his. She feels a sharp tug as she’s swept up into his embrace. Joseph holds her tightly with one arm, and with the other brushes her hair back and softly kisses her neck.  The warmth from his mouth quickly spreads goosebumps across her shoulders. “Quite possibly a waste of my special talents.” Joseph breathes into the back of her ear. “Just tell me what you want me to do.

“I, um, you…” Carlie stammers unable to catch her breath. She realizes her fingers are digging into his biceps and forces herself to release her grip a bit.

Joseph smiles at her and skillfully places her back in her seat, slipping his arm from around her waist and gently kissing her on her forehead. Carlie looks around the café and seizes her coffee. Her cheeks burning and her eyes darting from one table to the next. “I, um…” she stammers.

Joseph laughs then. A full-throated laugh. If people weren’t looking at her before, they sure are now. “C’mon.” He says as his laugh settles into his chest, shaking it just a bit now and then. “I promise I’m not scary. ‘Always a gentleman.’ Right? That’s the promise we make when we sign on to the agency.  I was recruited because of my… talents… but part of the gig is to gently guide and encourage you to try new things. And besides,” Joseph caresses the handle of his coffee cup. “I like my job and I’m not about to do anything to mess it up.”


I’m heading to Seattle again this week. Although I won’t be meeting anyone for the first time at a coffee shop, I will be having great coffee and sushi (not at the same time). Maybe that’s why outdoor coffee shops/cafés have been on my mind, and showed up in this little story.  I tend to write about that little sparkly bit that keeps showing up, and so that’s my suggestion to you this week. Pay attention to that bright spot, that little twinkling light that keeps drawing your attention, and notice it. What are you supposed to do about it? You tell me.

Sparkly 2

My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!