Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Even Flying is Sexy

flying-1That’s right. She-Who-Is-Afraid-To-Fly can even find sexiness in flying.

As you probably know, I’m vacationing in New Orleans this week. Turns out the fastest way to get there is flying. Oh sure, a road trip would be nice, but I only have so much time for vacation, and driving from Washington to Louisiana would pretty much take all of it. So… flying it is.

I hate flying. I hate airports, planes, and people breathing my air. This week The Best Husband Ever challenged me to see if I could write a sexy post about it.  I’m not one to back down from a challenge, so this week’s inspiration found me in the form of a challenge.

I can find sexy in just about anything, and although this was a little tougher for me, a little vodka drink helped me relax and look around and observe what was going on around me and I found 3 things that were sexy.

  1. Courtesy. In an airport or on the plane it surprised me how much more courteous people were to each other. In a grocery store, for example, people are grabby and pushy and cut in line. Not so in the airport. I saw people who were kind and assisted a mom with a toddler who dropped something, guys who help others lift their bags into the storage compartments, and no one cut in line.  People were kind, gracious, and everyone seemed to be accepting of everyone else.  I wonder if everyone could see how much sexier it is to be kind then they’d try a little harder – everyone wants to be a little sexier, right?
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  1. tribe-1Proximity. Normally I fly Alaska, but this time I was on a United plane. Maybe it’s just me but the seats seem a little tighter and you can pretty much forget “personal space.” Now, I don’t have a problem with being close to others, even strangers, and that was definitely a good thing for this flight. That being said, being close to others is sexy. Touch is sexy, and being near another human being (especially one who is kind) is definitely attractive.
  1. Common Interest. This one is kind of like courtesy, but a little different. We’re all going to get on a plane and sit very close to each other – that puts us all in the same boat (or plane… get it?) and we instantly have something in common.  Not only that, but while we were in the airport I saw a herd of the 12th man. As luck would have it, one of the 12th herd had the seat between The Best Husband and I.  I’m sure he knew how sexy courtesy is and agreed to switch seats with me so I could sit next to my husband. He and his friends were going to New Orleans to the ‘Hawks game too. He was easy to talk to and we chatted about the upcoming game, and other games we’ve been too. There’s something compelling about unexpectedly finding your tribe.  It’s a pretty great thing to instantly have something in common – something that we’re both passionate about. Add in  courtesy and proximity and that’s definitely sexy.

So there you have it, my reader, sexiness even in flying.   It’s really not so bad, I guess.  A girl couldn’t ask for a better seat buddy than a courteous 12th man (thanks John). This week I encourage you to practice Flying Sexiness.  Be courteous to each other, touch and be close, and cherish your tribe.


My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

A Cautionary Tale


Jean O’Hare, 1944 “Honolulu Harlot”

I’m off to New Orleans in a few days, and in honor of the trip I wanted to write a story about a particular location in New Orleans.  There’s a song about this particular location, and like most things in New Orleans, it’s steeped in mystery.  There is no known author, and many artists have recorded different versions of the song from the 1920’s to today. If you believe Wiki (it has to be true if it’s on the internet, right?) miners were singing the song in the late 1800’s, but The Animals recorded the most popular version in 1964. I saw two singers perform it this week on The Voice. It felt like more than coincidence (I don’t believe in it anyway), so I knew it deserved a blog post.


A Cautionary Tale

Pulling the collar of his coat up against the wind, Ethan shifts his weight to the other leg. It hasn’t been the same since the accident. The doctors say it’s as good as it’s going to get, but most days he spends nursing it with whiskey just to get through. The nights are better, easier.  The casinos give you free drinks if you play there, and if you walk around sometimes or play the slots a little slower it doesn’t take as much money to stay.

“My day is coming.” Ethan mutters under his breath. He’s been on a streak lately, and not the winning kind.  But this time Ethan has a plan. Easing himself down to sit on his suitcase he reaches inside his coat and pulls out the bottle.

“That’ll help with the cold.” A bright eyed man to his right says.

“It helps with pretty much everything.” Ethan says and lifts the bottle in salute. “Where are you headed?”

“Down to New Orleans, sir. I’m headed to meet my ship.” His eyes sparkle now, but that’ll change soon, Ethan thinks. This war has dulled the sparkle in a lot of young men, a lot of women too he supposes, and this one will be no different. “Have you served, sir?” Bright Eyes asks.

Ethan takes another sip of whiskey and returns the bottle to its home inside his coat. “No.” He says looking at his hands. “My ma wanted me to. It was her dream for me to get out and see the world, ‘specially after pa ran off. She even sewed me new jeans. She was a tailor, my ma, and a damn good one. Had to work way too hard to feed me and my brother.”

“But, the Navy pays, sir. And it’s a reliable paycheck.” Bright eyes looks a little sad and confused. Clearly the recruiter did a great job plugging the perks of Navy life, it probably helped that this one seems a little dim. Ethan thinks briefly he might be able to talk this boy into betting his train money on a sure thing, but sighs and continues on.

“You’re already enlisted. That’s good. I’d say not to do what I done, but you seem smarter than me. I was on my way to enlist when they found me.”

“Who found you, sir?”
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“Sin and Misery.” Ethan says to the boy. “I thought I could do it, you know, earn some money and help support ma and John Junior, but turns out I take more after pa than I thought.” Ethan shifts his weight on the suitcase as he remembers.

“I think it used to be a house. It was a big building that had a rising sun carved right over the door.” Ethan gestures with his hands, smoothing out the picture in his mind. “Its signs were bright and said I would win, and the girls…  Whoo weeee the girls! They had curled hair and clothes that all but put their breasts in your hands! I thought it couldn’t hurt, you know, stop in for a minute, win some money and just visit with the pretty girls.” Ethan smiles at the memory.

The look of sadness on Bright Eyes’ shrinks into mild disgust.

Leaning over Ethan whispers, “The secret is they let you win a little, to keep you there, but they never let you win a lot.”

Ethan sits back up and clears his throat, stretching his leg out and wincing a little. “The girls are schooled in how to console a man, and I spent what little money I had left on a night with one of them. Not the prettiest one, I couldn’t afford her, but my girl was pretty enough. In the morning I couldn’t bear to go home and fess up to what I’d done. It woulda killed ma, and I couldn’t even tell John Junior not to do it, ‘cause I liked it so much. I knew the next time I had any money I’d be right back there.”

The train whistle blows off in the distance, signaling the time for passengers to stand up and gather their things. Ethan obliges the train whistle but looks over at the war-bound boy. “Ma’s gone now, and rumor has it John Junior is struggling in high school, so I’m heading back. Back to Nawlins and back to the beginning. And boy do I got a good feelin’ about it! This time I’m smarter, wiser, and been around a bit, you know? I know I can do it. This time I’ll win!”


Well? Did you get it?  “House of the Rising Sun” of course! (here’s link to the performance that inspired this post)


No new message for you, my reader, this week.  Just the usual ones. I’m so excited to go to New Orleans I can’t hardly stand myself. I’ve never been, but always wanted to.  I have a Favorite Nephew to watch the house, boys, and dogs.  And thanks to some really great friends I’ll be at the Seahawk’s game IN NEW ORLEANS!!! Watch for me. I will… get… on… TV!!!



My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!


The Seduction of Darkness

dark-3This week I couldn’t decide what to talk about.  Shocking, right? Me not having anything to talk about.  It was the first time I thought I might not be able to put a blog up on a Wednesday.  Then I thought to myself, “Self. That’s ridiculous! You always have a lot to say.”

Sure, I always have lots to say, but today I couldn’t decide what to talk about in my blog. I want to write stories about voodoo, about magic portals you can only see in your rearview mirror, about the darker, more seductive side of magic. I write mostly uplifting posts, but this week my mind is in a darker place.  Maybe it’s because I just had a birthday and am not where I wanted to be when I turned 44 years old, maybe it’s because it’s October and Halloween is this month, maybe it’s because I’m going to New Orleans at the end of the month and I’m excited to take tours of cemeteries and absorb the energy of the city known for its food, music, cemeteries, and voodoo.

Whatever the cause, lately I’ve been feeling the seduction of things that are darker, more dangerous. I’ve already talked about why danger is attractive (check it out here if you missed it!) and we talked about how the body’s physical response to being scared is similar to the body’s physical response when aroused. But what is it that draws the mind to darker, more dangerous things?.

The Best Husband Ever and I record most of our television shows, and every night there’s a conversation about what show to watch.

TBHE: Let’s watch Orange is the New Black.

Me:      I’d rather watch American Horror Story

(This season was about Roanoke, West Virginia and the lost colony… so cool!).

TBHE: How about Blacklist?

Me:      The Exorcist (the series) is good, and we only have one of those.

(Mel Trivia: I’ve loved horror movies since I was a girl, and The Exorcist was the only one that really truly scared me back then).

TBHE: Ok, how about Blindspot?

Me:      Alright. Sounds good.

We manage to find a middle ground where there’s enough psychological tension that I like it, and enough “normal” for The Best Husband Ever.

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The shows I love have a darkness to them. The more psychologically twisted the better. I love shows that have an intensity that pulls me to the edge of my seat and makes me hold my breath.

dark-2Many people, including my 12 year old, are afraid of the dark. I’m drawn to it. I love dark nights (yes, especially a dark and stormy one). I’ve always felt at home in the darkness, comforted, safe. At night in my house I always draw the curtains while the lights are on. Once the lights are out I like them open so I can see outside. I feel like a predator. Like I can see or sense if there’s anyone near me and they can’t see me. It gives me a feeling of power and control.


Of course I don’t just like scary or creepy things.  I love to laugh and see people being kind to each other and to animals. I appreciate it more because I’ve cried and seen people do hateful things with the intention to hurt each other. The seduction for me isn’t just the feeling of power and comfort. Have you ever been in a dim bar or movie theater and then walked outside into the sunshine? Notice how much brighter it seems when you’ve been in the dark for a while?

Maybe that’s why I love the dark. I love the dark because it makes the light that much brighter.



This week, my reader, I want you to think about darkness. Do you love it, loathe it, or feel just “meh” about it – and why? Have you seen so much dark that you don’t want any more? Have you seen just enough to appreciate the light? Does the feeling of not being in the light make you uneasy because there’s so much you can’t see in the dark? When you get up at night to get a glass of water do you tiptoe through the house with the lights off, or turn on every light in every room you walk through?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Feel free to share in a comment, or you can reach me personally at:

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you think I should talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!