Yeah, I know this last week has seen much media about the women’s marches. I’ve seen posts supporting them and posts shaming them, but this week I was personally reminded about the importance and power of “sisters.” As a woman I’m a step-mom, mom, wife, ex-wife, aunt, niece, sister, daughter and even the Grand-Mel to three beautiful little girls. The relationships I have as all of those things are important, but this week I wanted to talk about the importance and power of sisterhood.
I had my hair done this week and it’s typical that I have it done with one of my “sisters” and this time another sister from the tribe came with wine to visit while we had our hair done. I love that time with my friends, and was delighted to be able to spend that time with them. When I texted The Best Husband Ever and asked if he minded if I went and had a glass of wine after hair with my friend so I could have “Sandra-time,” he said “Didn’t you just see her yesterday?”
Well, yes, technically I did see her, but I had the 12 year old and we were in public with a bunch of people all around us. I wanted time with her where we could just talk: talk about things that were important, things that weren’t, sad things, happy things, things that were funny… whatever. That time I have with her is important to me and my well-being. It’s just a different dynamic when others are around.
Sisterhood can literally mean the brother/sister or sister/sister relationship, a strong friendship, or more Amazonian-tribe kind of relationship. The bond that women form is unique, remarkable and important. There are many things that are important, but today I chose the ones that resonate the most:
Sisters are empowering. Life can be hard sometimes, but having an unwavering support system makes it doable. Sisters are the best for unconditional love and support, and having someone standing behind you saying “You can do it!” is amazing.
Sisters mean trust – no matter what. Surrounding yourself with women you can say anything to creates an unbreakable bond. Sometimes you don’t want to tell the world about a secret, an insecurity, or a perceived flaw, but in the Sisterhood Tribe you can rest easy knowing your secrets are safe. You will be loved unconditionally for who you are – warts and all.
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Sisters inspire. There are those in the world who want to tear you down – people who view your success as their failure. With sisters you are loved no matter what. Your sisters want you to be the best possible you and will lift you up and inspire you in everything you do.
Sisters hold you accountable. Just as sisters inspire, sisters also hold you accountable. They know you, your morals and values, and are there to remind you about them if you ever need advice. There is no better advice than words of love, inspiration, and accountability from a trusted sister.
Sisters are multigenerational. Sisters are all ages. I had sisters as a child, teen, and I have sisters now. They’re not all the same ones, but there’s a bond between all of them that still exists. As my daughter grows and becomes a woman I feel our bond changing. I see those same qualities of adult sisterhood beginning to emerge and I love it.
Women are powerful. We’re lovers, we’re caregivers, we’re loyal, we’re tender, we’re fierce, and we’ll fight to protect our own. You’ll find no more ferocious a battle than a woman fighting for who or what she loves (remember that mama bear you were warned about as a kid?). This week, my reader, I encourage you to remember the bond you have with a sister (Yes, men should remember their sisters too. We love and protect our men like no other.) and take the values to heart. Love fiercely, lift up your fellow man, support and inspire, critique with love, and cultivate those values in others and your children.
My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!