Category Archives: Write2Unpack

Stories of inspiration, things that are sexy, and the occasional random thought.

Probably Obvious Cough Syrup Truths

My kids love to share, and this time of year they share the flu and their colds.  Recently the 10 year old and I were taken down by the flu at the same time, and today I write to you with the cold that the 12 year old and I are sharing.

Colds suck. They make you all phlegmy and gross and, although I like to find the sexy in everything, even I am having a hard time finding things that are sexy about having a cold. So instead I thought I’d share some (probably obvious) truths I just learned about cough syrup.

1.  Even if you don’t like cough syrup, coughing a lot keeps you awake at night and makes your head hurt so much you’ll want cough syrup.

2.  Nighttime cough syrup and daytime cough syrup look a lot alike at 4:00 a.m.

3.  It doesn’t have to be nighttime for nighttime cough syrup to work.

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5.  When your doctor gives you a cough syrup and tells you it lasts for 12 hours… believe him.

This week, my reader, I encourage you to go through your medicine cabinet and clearly mark the daytime/nighttime cough syrup so you can easily tell the difference late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Today I’m fortunate that I didn’t have to get up and function at my day job, and the boys had a 2 hour delay thanks to freezing rain. The kids are off to school and I’m going to go take a nap and schmooze The Best Husband Ever into making me some magic soup for when this damned cough syrup wears off.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

5 Things That Make Blizzards Sexy

It’s the Storm of the Century! Ok, just a winter storm warning, but we’re supposed to get 7-14 more inches and that just makes me want to batten down the hatches, draw my family close to me and stay home. It worked out great because today is Wednesday, my writing day, and I feel like writing about things that are sexy. With the winter storm already starting, and looking out my window at probably 2 inches of new snow, today’s post clearly must be about blizzards. Although it’s just a storm, not a blizzard (I mean no offense to anyone actually in a blizzard), it’s a crap-ton of snow and that’s what I’m going to call it. What’s sexy about blizzards you ask? Let’s discuss:

First, if you google “why are blizzards sexy?” you’ll get a bunch of posts about a “sexy pose” being removed from a video game.  Blizzard is a video game developer and apparently had something questionable in one of its games… regardless, totally not where I wanted to go today.

1. Exercise that isn’t really “exercise.” Exercise makes fit bodies, fit bodies are sexy. I have a hard time doing traditional “gym” exercise, but with all the snow that’s falling I’ve had to get out and move it. Shoveling snow is great exercise – especially if the wall of snow you’re throwing it over is 5’. Let’s not forget the other fun things that are also good exercise: snow shoeing, especially if you have to make your own path; sledding, walking up the hill is great exercise; skiing, downhill and cross-country both are great workouts. You’ll be fit and sexy in no time and not even notice you’re doing “exercise.”

2. Fireplaces: Once you’ve gone outside and worked that body into sexy fitness, what’s more wonderful and romantic than warming up in front of a fire? The radiant warmth, crackling logs and dancing flames are super sexy and romantic.

3. Fuzzy blankets: Being wrapped in softness and comfort is definitely a sexy feeling. Throw in a fire and a loved one and the romance may overtake the sexy!

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5. Hot tubbing with mimosas in the snow: That should be self-explanatory.

So this week, or for the next few days as the storm rages on, I encourage you to look through a different filter. Appreciate the exercise that isn’t but is making you stronger, snuggle up with a loved one, in front of a fire, under a fuzzy blanket, and when it’s time – get out there and hot tub with mimosas in the snow. Take full advantage of the sexy this storm has to offer. I know I will!

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

Scams, Lies and Alternative Facts

I’m sure you’ve all seen and heard the unrelenting reports of “false news” or “alternative facts.”

(Brace yourself, this is post is full of “quotation marks.”)

This week I’m reminded about all the scams circling right now, most recently the “can you hear me?” call that you’ll receive, and then an onslaught of unauthorized purchases on your credit card. It’s been on the news, the radio… my husband even heard about it on Howard Stern, but just because it’s everywhere doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.

I learned about years ago. It’s a website devoted to investigating rumors, urban legends, folklore – that kind of thing. I use it to check if there really is a Nigerian Prince who wants to send me money (there isn’t), if the Geneva Convention will protect my Facebook page’s privacy (it won’t), or if that chart I’ve seen on Facebook saying the 7 countries President Trump has banned from the US really haven’t had any deadly terrorists – and all the deadly terrorist attacks have been from countries that are still free to travel and immigrate to the U.S. (partially true).

My mother-in-law was sold tens-of-thousands of dollars’ worth of vinyl siding because the sales man told her it would make her house warmer and the “sale wasn’t going to last.” Now, I don’t know if there really was a sale, but I do know her house would’ve been warmer if she’d turn the heat up past 62°.

This got me thinking about all the scams that there have been, still are, and why they’re so successful. Let’s take a look at what makes up a good scam. I looked on-line (yeah, I know) and here are 5 things that stood out to me:

  1. Inadvertent ignorance. We don’t take the time to actually investigate the scam and check sources. Just because it’s on TV, or on the internet, or even in print doesn’t mean it’s true.
  1. Herd mentality. “If all these other people say and think it’s true then it has to be – no questions asked.” See #1.
  1. Distraction. Whether we’re distracted by time (you have to make a decision right now!), phones or just life, being distracted makes it easier for us to miss important cues and we might make a snap judgment.
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  1. Dishonesty. If we’re more likely to engage in dishonest behavior – we’re more likely to take risks, and less likely to report it when we’re taken advantage of.
  1. Need or greed. What we want makes us vulnerable. Whether we’re greedy and want to make more money and fall prey to a “too good to be true” opportunity, or the “grandson” calling grandma for some quick cash because he wrecked his car, or needs medical care, or school books. Grandma’s an easy target because she wants to help her loved ones.

Scams work. Whether the scam is an outright lie or just partially true, our best defense is to investigate both sides for ourselves and then make a decision based on actual facts. Did the Queen really say she could run President Trump through with her sword? No. She was reported to have said so by The Daily Mash. A satirical website who posts in its about section: “The Daily Mash is a satirical website which publishes spoof articles, i.e. it is all made up and not intended, in any way whatsoever to be taken as factual. Glad we’ve got that sorted.”  But how many people actually check the source?

This week, my reader, I ask that you think for yourself.  Whether you want to know if that medical university will really pay you $50,000 for donating a testicle, or if a small child was really handcuffed at Dulles for the temporary immigration restriction, investigate the truth before you repeat it. Check the facts are actual facts and not “alternative facts,” and check the sources. Don’t be swayed by biased, satirical, or prejudiced information.

Oh, I checked on that phone scam, and whether you trust snopes or another source, you should too.

P.S.: Snopes was “snoped” a number of years back by people claiming it’s run by “very Democratic” proprietors,” and “lied to discredit a State Farm agent.” Like most rumors, there is partial truth: They did report that a State Farm agent had to take down a sign that didn’t comply with State Farm’s policy of not endorsing candidates. The e-mailer reports that the Mikkelson’s didn’t call the agent, Mr. Mikkelson says that’s true – they sent him an e-mail that the agent never responded too. See, partial truth: it’s true they didn’t call him, but we’re lead to believe they didn’t even try to contact him.  And as to their political affiliation: Mrs. Mikkelson is Canadian and cannot vote or contribute to any political party, Mr. Mikkelson has never joined a party, worked on a campaign, and his sole “political preference” is to go out on election day and vote.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!