Anxiety v. Dentists: They’re Still Sexy

Dentist 3Today I’m anxious. My boys started school and I’m excited/anxious about that. I’m anxious about The Best Husband Ever and whether his legs will start working again with the cool weather. I’m anxious about finding the right person at work (we’re looking to hire a full-time family law legal assistant/paralegal). But mostly I’m mostly anxious because I have a dentist appointment. I’m scheduled for the regular cleaning, which always hurts me (it’s my teeth, not the dentist…), but also for a tooth repair.  I clench and grind my teeth and have ground a front one down a bit and cracked it.  It’s just a cosmetic repair at this point, and my dentist said I don’t even have to be numb for it, but just the thought of him drilling my teeth makes my anxiety double.

And so this morning, as I write to you before my dentist appointment, I’ve been preoccupied with anxiety. And so, this week’s topic found me.

When I started writing today’s post it originally started out to be about my anxiety, but then I thought, what about that guy? My dentist is The Best Dentist Ever.  He’s a delightful fellow who genuinely cares for his patients.  He chooses to work in a field where people are anxious – all the time.  He’s told me, “Mel, the dentist chair is the great equalizer. I don’t care if you’re a big tough guy or a young child. Everyone is the same when they’re in the dentist chair.”

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Orin Scrivello D.D.S. “Little Shop of Horrors”

Now, I’m not into my dentist for anything more than relatively pain-free dental care, but there’s something sexy about a guy who holds the power to inflict pain on others but instead chooses to be kind and compassionate, and seeks to help his patients have less pain and, by default, less anxiety.  In addition to being a sexy profession (that’s right, dentistry can be sexy), there are other perks to being a dentist:

Flexible lifestyle.  My dentist works Monday – Thursday. This gives him the freedom to have a life outside the office and start running again (nudge, nudge).  What’s sexier than someone who has time to be there and do fun things?

Disease detection. There are several diseases that dentists can detect by regular examination, some of them biggies.  We had a wrongful death matter where a dentist actually detected an aggressive and extremely rare cancer in a young girl that her primary care doctor missed. He’s a superhero in my book – definitely sexy.

Service to others.  Not just for disease detection, dentists help people every day. They help people, even scaredy-cats like me, to have and maintain good dental health.  Good dental health has been linked to good overall health. Benevolence is sexy.

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Dentistry combines art and science. There’s cutting edge technology in dentistry and, like for me today, there’s art in cosmetic repair. Artists are their own special brand of sexy.

Dentist 1

That’s right. My dentist is a powerful, compassionate, sexy man with a flexible lifestyle, who chooses to serve others and bring them joy and confidence, while embracing art and technology.  What’s not to love?

So what’s my message to you this week? In addition to drawing attention to the dental profession, it’s that even dentists are sexy. They’re kind, compassionate, caring, and gentle. All good traits for someone to possess (especially if they have a metal hook in my mouth), but also especially good traits for someone to have in the bedroom.  So while I am extraordinarily anxious about dental visits, I still go.  I love my dentist and my hygenist. I trust they’ll do everything possible to help me, calm me, and make me beautiful and healthy. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go pee out a little fear and do some guilt-flossing before my appointment.

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Update: Cleaning was great (Thanks Barb!), but the tooth repair turned into teeth repair and took longer than expected.  I firmly stand by my earlier thoughts about kindness and compassion from a position of power. Whether it’s the hygenist wielding the power, or the dentist, definitely sexy when you’re near someone so considerate and gentle.

My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!

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