5 Ways Dancing Will Improve Your Love Life

Dance 10Yesterday was one of those warm, grey, drizzly, summer days, and it got me thinking about slow dancing, rainy days, soft blankets and fireplaces. I have recently applied to an on-line content mill site (translation: freelance writer seeking work) and one of the pieces I was required to submit was, “Ways Riding A Bike Can Improve Your Dancing.”  With my recent blog submission and yesterday’s cozy musings, inspiration for today’s blog post found me – how dancing can improve your love life.

Whether you’re dancing by yourself, with friends, or with a possible or real-time lover, let’s talk about how it can improve your romantic relationships.

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Rhythm: Ok, this is the obvious one. Bodies pressed together, moving together in time to the music, allows your body to learn to move in time to your lover without consciously thinking about it.  When you dance with someone you learn how they move, and by learning how they move to music, you learn how they move in the bedroom. Learning how your lover moves so you can anticipate what they’re going to do can only serve to improve your love life.

Confidence: A lover who’s sure of himself, who is confident enough to dance in public, or be silly and fun, likely means they’re confident enough to allow themselves to be adventurous and playful in the bedroom.Dance 7


Control:  I actually thought about including this one in “confidence,” but then I thought it deserved its own bullet point.  A man who is in control of himself and his body, who is sure of himself and chooses his next steps, is sexy. A man who respectfully controls, or directs, or leads his dance partner is incredibly sexy. Being able to control yourself and your movements, and being able to lead your partner (on the floor or in the bedroom) will definitely improve your love life.

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Social: This may be last, but it’s certainly not least. You won’t meet and get to know (really know) anyone at home on your couch. Oh sure, there’s on-line dating and lots of people have had success meeting a lover on an internet dating site, but think about it – you meet on-line and then go out in person.  Dancing is a great way to be social and be out with friends. It’s also a safe way to get to know a person – you’re out with lots of other people in a public place.  Besides, in today’s world of on-line shopping, texting, social media, and downloadable movies, we need to get out and interact with the world that’s actually around us – and dancing is a great way to do that.

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Studies have shown that people who dance have a higher self-esteem, are more accepting of others, and have a more positive outlook on life.  This week, my readers, I encourage you to dance. Dance by yourself in the kitchen while you’re waiting for dinner to be ready, dance with your children to a silly song, or slow dance with your lover on a rainy day in front of the fireplace.  It doesn’t matter how you dance, just dance!

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My words are my thoughts, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale) or Twitter (@write2unpack). Oh, hey, and if you sign up here to follow me you’ll never miss a post!


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