It’s the Storm of the Century! Ok, just a winter storm warning, but we’re supposed to get 7-14 more inches and that just makes me want to batten down the hatches, draw my family close to me and stay home. It worked out great because today is Wednesday, my writing day, and I feel like writing about things that are sexy. With the winter storm already starting, and looking out my window at probably 2 inches of new snow, today’s post clearly must be about blizzards. Although it’s just a storm, not a blizzard (I mean no offense to anyone actually in a blizzard), it’s a crap-ton of snow and that’s what I’m going to call it. What’s sexy about blizzards you ask? Let’s discuss:
First, if you google “why are blizzards sexy?” you’ll get a bunch of posts about a “sexy pose” being removed from a video game. Blizzard is a video game developer and apparently had something questionable in one of its games… regardless, totally not where I wanted to go today.
1. Exercise that isn’t really “exercise.” Exercise makes fit bodies, fit bodies are sexy. I have a hard time doing traditional “gym” exercise, but with all the snow that’s falling I’ve had to get out and move it. Shoveling snow is great exercise – especially if the wall of snow you’re throwing it over is 5’. Let’s not forget the other fun things that are also good exercise: snow shoeing, especially if you have to make your own path; sledding, walking up the hill is great exercise; skiing, downhill and cross-country both are great workouts. You’ll be fit and sexy in no time and not even notice you’re doing “exercise.”
2. Fireplaces: Once you’ve gone outside and worked that body into sexy fitness, what’s more wonderful and romantic than warming up in front of a fire? The radiant warmth, crackling logs and dancing flames are super sexy and romantic.
3. Fuzzy blankets: Being wrapped in softness and comfort is definitely a sexy feeling. Throw in a fire and a loved one and the romance may overtake the sexy!
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5. Hot tubbing with mimosas in the snow: That should be self-explanatory.
So this week, or for the next few days as the storm rages on, I encourage you to look through a different filter. Appreciate the exercise that isn’t but is making you stronger, snuggle up with a loved one, in front of a fire, under a fuzzy blanket, and when it’s time – get out there and hot tub with mimosas in the snow. Take full advantage of the sexy this storm has to offer. I know I will!
My thoughts are my own, but my pictures are generally found on Pinterest (you can find anything there!). If you like what I write, please share with your friends or someone you think would like it! I’d love it if you follow me on Facebook (Melissa Gale), Instagram (write2unpack), or Twitter (@write2unpack). If you have any topics you’d like to talk about, reach out to me at Oh, hey, and if you sign up to follow me you’ll never miss a post!